Newcastle Science City: The Triple Helix in Action Brussels Open Days Regions & Cities of Science Workshop Wednesday, 10 th October 2007 Estelle Chatard
One of Six Science Cities Chancellors statement in December 2004 provided a catalyst for action Newcastle Manchester Birmingham Bristol York Nottingham
–Significantly accelerate and expand the realisation of commercial value from science related activity –As engine for economic, social and physical regeneration of city & region –Build on innovation strategy for North East and Strategy for Success Create an environment where science & business work together
From Regional Innovation Strategy to NSC 19 th Century: Industrial Revolution, major inventions: electric light bulb, steam turbine driven ship 20 th Century success evaporated as industries did not diversify. Economic activity dropped 1990s: investment to exploit and develop the attractiveness of the city. Culture led regeneration. Times of London, Newcastle is the new capital of Britain. 2001: strategy for success. Changing the industrial structure by exploiting the knowledge base. 2005: Newcastle Science City. Creates an integrated regional innovation system centred around an attractive and highly connected city centre environment. Three core partners coming together
Newcastle Science City - Partner Objectives - Newcastle University World class research Commercialisation International recognition Excellent facilitates/sites Attract brightest and best Regional engagement Excellence with a Purpose One NorthEast Build on Strategy for Success Regeneration of places Job creation Skills development Attract investors Regional Economic Strategy Newcastle City Council Urban renewal Knowledge economy Spread prosperity Create jobs/develop skills HEI sustainability Retain/attract population City Regeneration Strategy Newcastle Science City Create environment where science & business work together A key driver to achieve economic, social and physical regeneration of city & region
The Triple Helix A triple helix regime typically begins as university, industry and government enter into a reciprocal relationship in which each attempts to enhance the performance of the other (Etzkowitz 2007) Each institutional sphere is thus more likely to become a creative source of innovation and to support the emergence of creativity that arises in other spirals
The Triple Helix 2 Internal transformation within each helix: e.g. an entrepreneurial university An institutional sphere brings about transformation in another sphere: e.g. government influencing IP laws A new overlay of trilateral linkages, networks has been created to institutionalise interface: e.g. NSC partnership The inter-institutional networks have a recursive effect on the originating spheres as well as the larger society
NSC Best Practice : 4 Key Integrated Strands Physical development Critical Mass of Scientific Research Base Education and Public Engagement Accelerated commercialisation of research base
World Class Facilities For scientific research, teaching and business Co-locate research, business and support infrastructure Brewery Site Development of existing sites e.g. Campus for Ageing & Vitality Other regional locations
Brewery Site 19 acre landmark site An environment to attract world class business & science Create critical mass of scientific activity for science based urban regeneration Financially sustainable business community
World Class Science Invest where research strength aligns with commercial potential –In areas where region already excels –Involve all regional universities to achieve critical mass –Critical mass of private investment/collaborative partners –Able to attract international talent
Four Major Themes Stem Cells & Regenerative MedicineAgeing & Health Molecular Engineering Energy & Environment Provide focus for investment in infrastructure, facilities & personnel
Education & Public Engagement Develop future skills base –Radical approaches to teaching of science –Schools, colleges & universities –Improve participation & success in science Create supportive environment –Scientifically literate general public –View science & science based businesses in positive light –Foster & value scientific interests and skills
The Commercialisation of Science ScienceCo is a corporate vehicle designed to attract investment to significantly accelerate and expand the realisation of commercial value from science related activity, and nurture that activity as an engine for economic growth and development.
ScienceCo Framework Development and Operations Development and Operations University(ies) Industry Commercial R&D Institute(s) Commercial R&D Institute(s) Joint R&D Centre(s) Joint R&D Centre(s) Collaborative Project(s) Collaborative Project(s) Pre- spinout or licence(s) New Ventures in Services or Products ScienceCo Investment Service Units: Project types: ScienceCo participates in commercially viable projects, using service units Core service provision of ScienceCo
Investment to Date £100m committed to Science City related projects –Brewery site –North East England Stem Cell Institute –Institute for Ageing and Health –PET Scanner –Centre for Nanoelectronic Characterisation –Centre for Advanced Electrical Drives –PeTEC Centre –Excellence Fund –Education & Public Engagement –Enabling Fund
References Etzkowitz, Dzisah, Zhou (2007) The Triple Helix model for innovation: the university-industry- government interaction, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, 24 Loet Leydesdorff, The triple Helix Model and the Study of Knowledge-based innovation systems O. Belkhodja and R. Landry (2007) The triple helix collaboration: why do researchers collaborate with industry and the government? What are the factors that influence the perceived barriers?, Scientometrics, Vol 70 No 2 R. Viale and H. Etzkowitz, Third academic revolution: polyvalent knowledge; the DNA of the triple helix