Education and counseling regarding breasfeeding Must begin during the prenatal period Prospective mothers, fathers, families and other caregivers must be informed of the ff.: – Nutritional, immunologic and intellectual benefits for the infant – Psychosocial advantages both for mother and infant – Potential decrease risk for future chronic diseases in the child – Health benefits for the mother – Economic and environment-friendly benefits
Education and counseling regarding breasfeeding Mothers must be informed of the ff.: – Recommended period of early initiation of breastfeeding – Exclusive breatfeeding up to 6 months – Continued breastfeeding after introduction of complementary foods
Prenatal visit Other recommended procedures done during the infant’s birth may be explained such as: – Rooming-in – Newborn screening – Hearing screen – Immunization with Hepatitis B vaccine and BCG
Prenatal visit Health care professional should elicit information regarding: – Parent’s education, profession, attitude regarding pregnancy, planned disciplinary method/child rearing approach, financial security, family support system – Other factors that are vital in the assessment of the child’s future exposure to or prevention of neglect, maltreatment or violence Health care professional must monitor, counsel, and refer whenever necessary
Prenatal visit Discuss injury prevention and potential exposure of the mother and child to environmental toxicants Inform about the deleterious effects of smoking and alcohol intake Advise and encourage to take folic acid-rich foods and supplements on top of the recommended healthy diet Tetanus toxoid immunization must be started and continued during pregnancy
Pediatricians, obstetricians, midwives, nurses, and other health care professionals/workers must work together to promote the welfare of the mother and the unborn child.