1 Structural Funds in Service of Regional Innovation Open Days 2006 9 – 12 October 2006, Brussels Barbara Kocowska Office for European Funds Management.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Structural Funds in Service of Regional Innovation Open Days – 12 October 2006, Brussels Barbara Kocowska Office for European Funds Management Lower Silesian Voivodes Office

2 Structure of the presentation Structural aid in Poland in the programming period 2004 – 2006 Regions business card Innovation support in the framework of structural aid in Poland On-going pro-innovative projects in Lower Silesia Formal background for the new perspective 2007 – 2013 Problems and challenges

3 Structural Funds co-financed programmes in the years 2004 – 2006 Integrated Regional Operational Programme (ERDF, ESF) – 16 components implemented by 16 regions according to a common, centrally developed CP mixed implementation system 6 Sectoral Operational Programmes managed centrally by respective ministries or authorized agencies CI Interreg, CI Equal

4 Population: million (7,6% of Polands population ) Urban population: 71.1 % Area: km 2 Administrative units: 26+3 counties, 169 communities Capital city: Wrocław ( inhabitans) Registered enterprises: GDP in 2001: ca. 14 billion EUR (7,8% of Polands GDP) GDP per capita in 2001: ca EUR SF (ERDF+ESF) allocation IROP EUR More: Lower Silesia

5 Innovation support within Operational Programmes I Integrated Regional Operational Programme Priority 1: Development and Modernization of Infrastructure for Enhancement of the Competitivenss of Regions Measure 1.3: Regional Social Infrastructure Submeasure 1.3.1: Regional Infrastructure for Education (3 projects submitted by Wrocław academic schools in total value of more than 12 million EUR/8.6 mil. EUR co-financing) Measure 1.5: Infrastructure for Information Society (7 projects submitted by regional and local authorities in total value of more than 6.5 mil. EUR/4.6 mil. EUR co-financing) Priority 2: Enhancement of the Development of Human Resources in Regions Measure 2.6: Regional Innovation Strategies and Transfer of Knowledge (15 projects submitted by academic schools, institutes, business support institutions and networks in total value of 3.34 mil. EUR)

6 Innovation support within Operational Programmes II Priority 3: Local Development Measure 3.2: Areas Being Subjects of Restructuring (1 – of 19 – project of local entrepreneurship incubator in value of appr. 300 th. EUR/more than 180 th. EUR co-financing) Measure 3.3: Degradated Town, Postindustrial and Postmilitary Areas Submeasure 3.3.2: Revitalization of Postindustrial and Postmilitary Areas (1 – of 3 – project promoted by a public high education institution for adaptation of a postmilitary buiding for a scientific library in value of appr. 1.7 mil. EUR/330 th. EUR co-financing) Special Case: Measure 3.4: Microenterprises

7 Innovation support within Operational Programmes III SOP Increase of Competitiveness of Enterprises Priority 1: Development of Enterpreneurship and Enhancement of Innovativeness through Strenghthening the Institutions of Business Environment Measure 1.1: Strenghthening of Institutions Supporting Enterprises Activity Measure 1.2: Improvement of Access to External Sources of Financing Measure 1.3: Creating Conditions for Companies Development Measure 1.4: Enhancement of Cooperation between R+D and Economy Priority 2: Direct Support for Enterprises Measure 2.1: Increase of SMEs Competitiveness through Advising Measure 2.2: Supporting of Companies Product and Technology Competitiveness Measure 2.3: Increase of SMEs Competitiveness through Investments SOP Enhancement of Human Resources Priority 2: Development of Knowledge-Based Society Measure 2.3: Development of Personnel for a Modern Economy/ Increase of Skills and Qualifications

8 New Perspective 2007 – 2013 Modified System of Structural Funds Implementation 16 Regional Operational Programmes managed by regional governments 6 Operational Programmes managed by the Ministry of Regional Development, two of which are enhancing innovation: OP Human Capital and OP Innovative Economy European Territorial Cooperation Programmes

9 Regional Innovation in ROPs Project for Lower Silesia I Priority 1: Increase of Innovativeness of Lower Silesian Economy * * * * * * * * * R+D projects developed by enterprises * Projects improving accessibility of R+D results as well as quality of services offered to enterpreneurs by academic and research units * Projects fostering improvement of academic entrepreneurship * Projects of financial support for R+D studies the results of which would be commercialised * Exchange of human resources between academic and business circles * Building up and developing co-operation networks * Investing in technology parks, incubators etc. * Projects promoting pro-innovative attitudes and behaviours

10 Regional Innovation in ROPs Project for Lower Silesia II Innovation is also going to be enhanced by co-financing projects realised within the Priority 2 of ROP for Lower Silesia: Supporting SMEs in Lower Silesia in which pro-innovative investments in product and process innovations will be supported. Taken into consideration that 99% of all businesses in the region belong to the category of SMEs such a priority is a must and there is no alternative for focussing on innovation in this sector.

11 Big Money – Big Challenge The total ROP allocation for Lower Silesia amounts 1.23 billion EUR to be spend for projects arranged in 13 Priorities. However, 3268 projects of projects submitted by potential promoters already exceed this figure by approximately triple. The two innovation related priorities should consume jointly 24% of the ROP allocation. Additional 8% should be spend for projects of Information Society (Priority 3 in ROPs Project). But in the mentioned project bank only 5 % of projects belong to the above categories. Dominating issues are: transport (26%), environment (22%), education (13%), healthcare (12%). More:

12 Challenges and problems Infrastructure first. Innovation or Investment? Innovation for all. Elections: Innovation doesnt like politics. Wanted: Culture of Innovation.

13 Thank you for your attention Barbara Kocowska