4 th Grade Math Data Qrt
th Grade level 1 st qtr
Quarter Estimating sums & differences* Equivalent fractions* Use parenthesis Identify on a number line Negative numbers Decimal equivalents for halves and quarters
Quarter Use letters or other symbols to stand for any number in an equation MG 1.4Use those formulas to find the areas of more complex figures by dividing figure into basic shapes
Quarter Know the definition of different quadrilaterals Mode, median, outliers Express outcomes of probability Identify the radius and diameter of a circle.
Know the definition of different quadrilaterals Mode, median, outliers Express outcomes of probability Quarter
What Worked?? What instructional practices worked this year that were not in place last year? What needs to be improved to increase achievement for next year? What can we take from what we learned about this quarter’s achievement and apply to next year’s Quarters ?
CST Review Week