2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 C ROSS -A GENCY D ATA S HARING Monday, October 29, 2012 Tracy Korsmo, North Dakota Department of Education Patrick Alles, Indiana Department of Education
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference North Dakota: Background, Agreements and Process Indiana: Data Sharing Agreements with Private Colleges/ State Associations O VERVIEW 2
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference N ORTH D AKOTA 3
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference ND SLDS Committee Governing members Data Governance o Committee must set policy and adopt rules on data collection and access and sharing o ITD and SLDS Committee are authorized to enter into data sharing agreements on behalf of the agencies contributing o Must report to interim committees in education and economic development and make recommendations on data collections and budgets B ACKGROUND 4
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Single Common Agreement Commitment to share data o ND century code stipulates that agencies must provide data within the restriction of federal or state privacy laws A GREEMENTS 5
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Addendums Privacy laws exist o Formal and customized data sharing addendums specifying the data element, justification, retention and penalties – DOT MV (ssa) – Department of Health - Immunization – Department of Human Services – foster care – Postsecondary – LEA covered under the Statewide PowerSchool – UI wage data A GREEMENTS 6
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Addendums non formal Required by State or Federal Reporting o The process is documented and authorized by each agency – UI wage verification for adult ed and CTE – State accountability reporting (Job Corp, Workforce enhancement grants, workforce training programs) A GREEMENTS 7
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 8
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference T HE H OOSIER W AY 10 State Association Institution(s) CTE CHE Institutions (public) CHE Researchers
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 11 Independent College State Associations
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference W HAT ’ S P OSSIBLE : I NDIANA 12 Data ExchangeMandated?Agreement High School Grade Report NoNone (no PII) Note: Lilly Endowment funding (10 year period) Enrollment Verification No. Discontinued.None (no stored PII) Note: Inst. Research project between flagship publics and private association SLDS Yes (2011 State Law)MOU: w/CHE; w/Institutions Note: Previously shared data voluntarily CTE NoNone (no stored PII) Moving to MOU addendum Note: Seek students who enroll in private sector Research Projects NoMOU Note: Flagship faculty research projects
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference All MOU’s based on provisions in APPENDIX A of December 2, 2011 Rules and Regulations (Federal Register) Studies Exception Audit and Evaluations Exception A GREEMENT B ASICS 13
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Provide justification for every element requested Provide value > reporting burden Provide representation on governance, data usage, and other committees Ensure institutions retain ownership of data W HAT P RIVATE (NFP) C OLLEGES W ANT 14
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Limit external reports “by institution” Allow for opt out clause (report/project basis) Privacy assurances Indemnification (public colleges have state backing) W HAT P RIVATE (NFP) C OLLEGES W ANT 15
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Contact information: Tracy Korsmo, Patrick Alles, Baron Rodriguez, For more information on Cross-Agency Data Sharing: Resource 1: Guidance for Reasonable Methods and Written Agreements (Nov 2011)Guidance for Reasonable Methods and Written Agreements (Nov 2011) Resource 2: Checklist: Data Sharing Agreement (Apr 2012)Checklist: Data Sharing Agreement (Apr 2012) C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 16