Active Directory Administration (cmdlets) Microsoft Confidential1
AD (cmdlets) AD PowerShell Module named ActiveDirectory Self-contained package Consolidates a group of cmdlets Cmdlets used to manage one or multiple AD forests and domains AD Module | Overview 2 Microsoft Confidential
AD (cmdlets) Account User Computer Group OU Password Policy Default domain password policy Fine-grained password policy Forest & Domain DC & FSMO Optional Features AD Module | Purpose 3 Microsoft Confidential
AD (cmdlets) Cmdlets 4 Microsoft Confidential
AD (cmdlets) At least one 2008 R2 DC in the targeted domain OR A 2003 or 2008 DC running the Active Directory Management Gateway Service Client: Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7: Remote Server Administration Tools + AD Module Feature Windows 2008 R2: AD Module via Add Features Wizard Import and use the AD module in a PowerShell session via the Import- Module cmdlet AD Module Prerequisites 5 Microsoft Confidential
AD (cmdlets) Active Directory Web Services 6 Microsoft Confidential Windows 2008 R2 ADWS Windows 7 RSAT AD Module Windows 7 RSAT AD Module
AD (cmdlets) Binding to AD DN is required to work with AD objects Cmdlets connect to local domain using current user credentials by default All 76 cmdlets have credential & server parameters To target other domains & specific servers Global Catalog connection possible using Port # Connecting To AD 7 Microsoft Confidential TIP:Do not hardcode DC names in scripts! (Use Domain FQDN to discover DC) Get-ADUser –filter * -server
AD (cmdlets) User Account Management | AD Cmdlets 8 Microsoft Confidential Create User New-ADUser –name benp -SamAccountName “benp" -GivenName “ben" -Surname “Pearce" -DisplayName “Ben Pearce" New-ADUser –name benp -SamAccountName “benp" -GivenName “ben" -Surname “Pearce" -DisplayName “Ben Pearce" Modify User Set-ADUser -Identity “benp" –Title “Engineer" Delete User Remove-ADUser benp Target Single AD Object Only! Enumerate User Enumerate User Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * Get-ADUser -Filter * ` -Properties *,msDS-ReplAttributeMetaData Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * Get-ADUser -Filter * ` -Properties *,msDS-ReplAttributeMetaData
AD (cmdlets) Computer Account Management | AD Cmdlets 9 Microsoft Confidential Find Stale Computer Accounts $OneYearAgo = (Get-Date).AddYears(-1) Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp –lt` $OneYearAgo} | Disable-ADAccount $OneYearAgo = (Get-Date).AddYears(-1) Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp –lt` $OneYearAgo} | Disable-ADAccount Computer Information Get-ADComputer -Filter * ` -property name,OperatingSystem,` OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemVersion ` | Out-GridView Get-ADComputer -Filter * ` -property name,OperatingSystem,` OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemVersion ` | Out-GridView
AD (cmdlets) Group Management | AD Cmdlets 10 Microsoft Confidential Populate Group $newGroup = New-ADGroup -name "IT" ` -Path "OU=Groups,DC=Contoso,DC=com" ` -GroupScope "Global" –passthru $ITUsers = Get-ADUser -filter {Department -eq "IT"} Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $newGroup -Members $ITUsers OR $ITUsers | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf "IT" $newGroup = New-ADGroup -name "IT" ` -Path "OU=Groups,DC=Contoso,DC=com" ` -GroupScope "Global" –passthru $ITUsers = Get-ADUser -filter {Department -eq "IT"} Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $newGroup -Members $ITUsers OR $ITUsers | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf "IT" Create Group New-ADGroup –name “Sales” ` -Path “OU=Groups,DC=Contoso,DC=com” ` -GroupScope “Global” ` -GroupCategory “Security” New-ADGroup –name “Sales” ` -Path “OU=Groups,DC=Contoso,DC=com” ` -GroupScope “Global” ` -GroupCategory “Security” To return group object Enumerate Group Get-ADGroupMember IT -Recursive Nested group membership