1 Reportnet – an introduction Reportnet – an introduction Presentation for the Meeting on Noise Copenhagen, 12 November 2008 Søren Roug, EEA
2 Agenda for this session Overview of Reportnet Demonstration of reporting Step-by-step review of automatic QA Q&A on QA
3 Data reporting before Reportnet… The Public and Decision-Makers NFP, other National Authorities PCP, NRC EEA Big report consultants ETC ACC ETC BD ETC Water CECOthers
4 EEA The Public and Decision-Makers ETC ACC ETC BD ETC Water NFP and other National Authorities PCP, NRC ESTATOthers DG ENV, others Reportnet …and after :-)
5 What is Reportnet? Reportnet is a system of integrated IT tools and processes creating a shared information infrastructure to support the reporting of environmental data and information in Europe
6 Reportnet modules Reporting Obligations Database ROD (A web database of reporting obligations)ROD Data Dictionary DD (A web database with data element specifications)DD Data Exchange Modules (Software tools supporting the delivery process) QA and conversion system Converters (Tools to evaluate the quality of a delivery)Converters Directory DIR (A web database of users, organisations and roles)DIR Central Data Repository CDR (A website to upload reported data, Automatic QA)CDR
7 Noise reporting obligations in ROD
8 Factsheet on the obligation
10 Definitions in Reportnet Data Dictionary Example: Agglomerations
11 CDR: the data from the countries
12 Delivery possibilities Uploading office files – Excel, Access etc. – Automatic QA is not possible Generate XML from database system and upload Filling out webforms – only for small amounts Uploading and converting special MS- Excel template
13 CDR: delivering DF5
14 Automatic Quality Assurance Application of QA scripts (:=============================================================:) (: Rule 1 :) (: Goes through all the Rows in the document and checks if there exist:) (: similar EWN codes in the same document:) (:=============================================================:) declare function local:checkEWNCode($url as xs:string) { for $pn in fn:distinct-values(fn:doc($url)//dd8:EWN-Code) let $i := fn:doc($url)//dd8:EWN-Code= $pn] where fn:count($i) > 1 order by $pn return {$pn} };
15 Completing the delivery
16 What happens after delivery? Automatic QA is run on all XML files Delivery is made available to the public ETC is notified ETC does manual QA Potentially ETC rejects the delivery Then Reporter is notified and must fix the issues
17 Monitoring of data flows - ROD again
18 Demonstration of delivery Now Enriko will demonstrate a delivery on the CDR test site After the demonstration you will have the opportunity to practice yourself The userid for cdrtest.eionet.europa.eu is reporter – password is r