Rochester Curriculum: Kindergarten Unit 1 September - October Unit 2 October-December Unit 3 December- February Unit 4 February-March Unit 5 April-June Introduction and Overview Counting Numbers(1-50 by ones, exposure, mastery not expected yet) Addition and Subtraction: Acting Out Foundations of Place Value Geometry: Naming, Comparing And Identifying Counting Numbers(1-20 by ones) Counting Objects (0-10) Counting Numbers(1-50 by ones and tens) Counting Numbers( by ones and tens) Addition and Subtraction: Decomposing Numbers Number Names Comparing Numerals (0-10) Ordinal Numbers (1 st -5 th Counting, Comparing, and Writing Numbers of Objects (11-20+) Addition and Subtraction: Making Tens Counting Objects (0-5) Comparing Numbers of Objects (1-10) Addition and Subtraction Word Problems Using objects or drawings Ordinal Numbers (6th- 10 th) Ordinal Numbers (1st- 10 th) Measurement: Length, Weight Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction Comparing Numbers of Objects (1-20)
Rochester Curriculum: 1st Grade Unit 1 September - October Unit 2 October-December Unit 3 December- February Unit 4 February-March Unit 5 April-June Introduction and Overview Place Value with emphasis on building a 10 Extend the Counting Sequence to 100 using efficient ways Use Place Value Properties to Add and Subtract: Skip Counting by 10’s and use the 100’s chart Measurement: Time Extend the Counting Sequence up to 20 Addition and Subtraction Equations focusing on number combinations to 20 Place Value Comparing two digit numbers Represent and solve problems involving addition of a two digit numbers and subtraction with multiples of ten Shapes: Partition Circles and Rectangles into two and four equal shapes. (use vocabulary such as halves and quarters) Represent and Solve Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction up to 10 Represent and Solve Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction up to 20 Measurement: Money Represent and Interpret Data: Shapes: Distinguish Between Defining Attributes Addition and Subtraction up to 10 Place Value Understand and Apply Properties of Operations to Addition and Subtraction Use Place Value Properties to Add and Subtract: Skip Counting by 10’s, use the 100’s chart, and compose a ten to regroup Measurement: Comparing Lengths Shapes: Compose two and Three dimensional shapes to create new shapes Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
Rochester Curriculum: 2 nd Grade Unit 1 September - October Unit 2 October-December Unit 3 December- February Unit 4 February-March Unit 5 April-June Introduction and Overview Understanding Place Value ShapesMeasurement: Relate Addition and Subtraction to length Shapes: Rectangles and Arrays Counting and Comparing Addition and Subtraction Within 20 Addition and Subtraction Within 20 Using Mental Strategies Measurement: Work With Time and Money Foundations of Multiplication Properties of AdditionUse Place Value Properties to Add and Subtract. Understanding Place Value: Number Names to 1000 Represent and Interpret Data: Picture and Bar Graphs Intro to Fractions: halves, thirds and quarters of rectangles and circles Addition and Subtraction Within 20 Use Place Value Properties to Add and Subtract: Skip Counting by 10’s and 100’s Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction Foundations of Multiplication Understanding Place Value: Comparing Numbers Addition and Subtraction: Fluency within 100 Using Place Value or Properties Work With Time and Money Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction Understanding Place Value Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction