Greek Gods, Demi-Gods, Semi-Gods and interesting mortals
Greek Gods Believed in many Gods, Polytheism. The gods were Anthropremorphic They still had great powers. Even though they were gods they still sinned the same as man
Hades In the story, they drew lots and he got underworld A symbol of him is his cloak of invisibility His Wife was Persephone
Hades and Persephone Dispute between Hades, and Persephone’s mother. The cause of winter and spring.
Hades’ Judgment As the god of the under world, he was the god to deliver judgment on people. He often had creative ways of punishing people. To Sisyphus he forced to push a rock up a hill, and at the top the rock would fall down and he’d have to push it up again.
Poseidon He was the god of the sea. His most common symbol was his Trident His wife was Amphritrite but he had other loves
Poseidon's Character Although he was often portrayed as being vengeful he still did kind things. He protects Seamen, Cleared waters for cities and made the land fertile so that plants would grow.
Zeus The Ruler of the sky and of the other gods It was his job for rain and drought and lightning storms
Zeus’ Wife He wanted to marry Metis, but when a prophecy was said that if a son was born between the two of them, he would over through his throne. Fearing his new child he swallowed Metis when she was pregnant The child grew inside of him So after some time, Zeus had a terrible headache, so Haphaestus hit him on the head with a hammer, and out popped Athena.
Zeus’ wife Hera Zeus decided to finally marry some one so he married Hera and the marriage was fine for the beginning. Then when Hera was involved in a plot to overthrow him, he hung her up, and he only let her down after she promised to love him for ever, which she did.
The overthrowing of Cronos Cronos the leader of the Titans was afraid of a prophecy that said one of his sons would take over his throne. So to stop them, he tried to eat all his children, but Zeus was saved by his mother. He was able to make Cronos throw up the other children, then lead them in a war against Cronos.
Overthrow of Cronos (Cont.) Needing allies, they freed the Cyclops from Hades and to thank them they made the sons gifts. Zeus got lightning bolts, Poseidon his spears, and Hades his cloak. They defeated Cronos, and drew lots to decided who got what. Zeus got sky, Poseidon sea, and Hades the underworld. But they all had equal rule over the earth and the mortals.
Hermes The gods messenger Zeus’ ambassador because of his quick tongue and his cleverness with words. One of the most trusted gods
Hermes Zeus gave him escorting souls to underworld Being on the run, he never settled down and had a family. He was never married.
Hephaestus Only god with defect; Lame Cast away from Zeus because he wasn’t wanted. After being nursed back to health, he started making jewelry, which his mother found and used to locate him She asked Zeus to let him come back and he did
Hephaestus Even though she got him back, he still despised her until long after. When Aphrodite came along, Zeus made her marry him so that she would not cause unruliness. She only viewed the marriage in name alone, so they did not have a very happy marriage.
Hestia Was goddess of Heath and home The first born, and the last born of Cronos. When people sought to marry her, she pleaded to Zeus to stop them. And after he did, he lived in his home forever.
Modern Uses Hades, Poseidon and Zeus are used in the Microsoft game, Age of Mythology. The gods are often mentioned in many phrases such as “May I be struck by lightning” Some rappers call themselves Zeus
The End
Work Cited Fisher, David A. World History for Christian schools. South Carolina: Bob Jones University Press, 1999 “Hades, Greek God of the Underworld.” Men Myths and Minds. 2006. The Goddess path. October 21,2009 <> Atsma, Aaron J. Hestia. 2008 <Http://>