By: Zayn Siddiqui and Jake Kissler
Zeus was walking around Olympus when he saw the beautiful Metis He chased Metis down and after he caught her he heard the wind say “Metis will have a girl, if she has a boy then the boy will chop Zeus to pieces” Zeus then ate Metis when he saw her next That afternoon he had a horrible headache He called for Hephaestus to split his head open When Hephaestus broke the mighty skull, Athena hopped out
Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill She beat Ares in war almost every time even though he had a lot of strength Athena helped loads of godlings like Perseus, Jason, and Hercules Athena’s companion was Nike, goddess of victory Athena controlled the Aegis
Arachne was a girl that lived in Lydia who was really good at weaving She thought she was better than Athena at weaving Athena heard and decided to battle Arachne for her life Arachne lost and hung herself Athena then turned Arachne into a spider That is why spiders are called arachnids
By: Zayn Siddiqui and Jake Kissler Writer: Zayn Siddiqui Researchers: Zayn Siddiqui and Jake Kissler Packet researcher: Jake Kissler