Stable Food Source Agriculture Apples Peaches Cherries Apricots Olives Grapes Meats/Hunting Pork Lamb Beef Kids (baby goats) Chicken (much later) NEVER DOGS Seafood (mostly Shell Fish)
Ruled by a king King is chosen by claiming to be descendants of Aeneas Aristocrats did have power to overthrow king BCE- ruled by a king BCE- ruled by a council BCE- ruled by a democracy Government
Hades: God of the underworld Ares: God of war Aphrodite: Goddess of love Athena: Goddess of wisdom Hera: Queen of the gods Poseidon: God of the sea Zeus: King of the Gods Hawk and lion symbol of power Religion
The lower class people lived in mud-brick houses There were sanctuary's for praying Bed rock wall surrounded the city and protected the Trojans from earth quakes There were work shops where black smiths and potters worked In the middle of troy was the administrative and religious center It was surrounded by a fortification wall Architecture
There were basically mainly two types- free people and slaves Also, Citizens and Metis 1.Citizens were true citizens who were born into the city- states 2.Metis were people who were not born in the city-states, could not own land, houses etc. 3.Social ladder only applied to men Social Structure
Used Greek language Wrote on clay tablets They also wrote of papyrus Only higher class people knew how to write The used writing for important rituals Writing
The Trojan War 1.Trojan war started (or is believed to have started) when the Queen of Sparta was kidnapped by Paris- the son of the king of Troy- according to Homer’s Iliad The Trojan Horse 1.The Spartans made a giant horse filled with Spartan soldiers, and when the Trojans accepted it in into their kingdom, the Spartan soldiers got out, opened the gates and the Spartans attacked the Trojans and ended the war The story of the three goddesses and the apple (Story is set in Troy) 1.Eris, goddess of discord and strife, was not invited to King Pelias’s wedding, so she threw a golden apple at Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. It was meant for the fairest. It is up to the Paris to decide who gets the apple Legacy