LIFE The Game of LIFE Week of 10/18
Monday Groceries: You went grocery shopping over the weekend to stock up for the week. This includes one night of eating out over the weekend as well. Record the expense to your account: Budget: $95 Middle: $135 Luxury: $175
Monday Hurry and deduct from your account the amount you are putting into savings and/or other investments! Budget: $ 50 Middle: $150 Luxury: $250
Monday You need to pay for your gas and electric bills to keep the lights and heat on! Record the following amount in your account. Budget: $102 Middle: $154 Luxury: $221
Monday Roofers, Carpenters, Mechanics & Painters: You worked overtime this weekend in which for 6 hours. Use your hourly wage to figure out how much you made at time and a half and add it to your account.
Tuesday Ugh!!!!!! You are not feeling very well and call in sick to work. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow. Deduct $12.18 from your account for medicine and supplies from the drug store.
Wednesday Your car payment is due on the 20 th of the month. If you don’t own a car, you don’t have a payment. You must also pay for car insurance. Deduct the amounts to cover both costs. Middle: $400 Luxury: $600
Thursday The weather is getting cooler and you need a new winter jacket. You went shopping and found one. Deduct the following amount. Budget: $ Middle: $ Luxury: $126.94
Friday Payday! Record your weekly earnings in your account.
Friday You’ve got a date tonight! If your entertainment lifestyle is …….. Luxury:deduct $256 for dinner and a concert. Middle:deduct $70 for dinner and a movie. Budget:deduct $15 for an On Demand movie and a pizza since you will split the cost with your date.