Raquel C. Trapp, Accounting Technician Reconcile Out of District/International Travel Demetric White, Accounting Specialist In District Travel A-G Invoices In-District Out-of-District International TRAVELTRAVEL
Travel Forms In-District Travel Out-of-District/Out-of-Country Travel These forms may be obtained from HCC’s website located at finance/departments/finance/departments/travel.aspxhttp:// finance/departments/finance/departments/travel.aspx
Meals Meals should be estimated based on the following: Breakfast - $6 when travel begins before 6 a.m. and extends beyond 8 a.m. Lunch - $11 when travel begins before 12 noon and extends beyond 2 p.m. Dinner - $19 when travel begins before 6 p.m. and extends beyond 8 p.m. or when travel occurs during nighttime hours due to special assignment. Do Not include meals included in the convention/workshop.
Things that are not Permitted Meals cannot be paid using a p-card. P-card can not be used to purchase gas for your personal car. Alcoholic beverages. Cell Phone Expenses. Meals included in the cost of registration. Pay-per-view movie in the hotel/motel room. Personal phone calls, including calls home. Room service. Tips in restaurants. Travel insurance.
Class C travel--Travel for short or day trips where the traveler is not away from his or her official headquarters overnight. Per F.S (15) - CLASS C TRAVEL.--Moneys appropriated from the State Treasury may not be used to pay per diem or subsistence related to Class C travel.