Title: Johnny D. (Public Enemies) Year: 2009 Genre: Foreign films, Drama, Crime, History, Biography Country : United States Budget: $ 100 million
Director: Michael Mann
Starring :
Starring also starring : Stephen Lang, Jason Clarke, Stephen Graham, Billy Crudup, John Ortiz, Branka Katic, Stephen Dorff
Public Enemies" - based on a real life incident of the legendary American bank robber John Dillinger, gained worldwide fame in the 30s of the last century, thanks to the successful commission of multiple crimes. He - one of the most daring and inventive robbers in U.S. history, a few years sweeps the stigma of public enemy number one in the list of the FBI, and at the same time become a true hero and a symbol of protest for all marginalized and disadvantaged Americans government. Inspiring fight against the power of the oppressed its citizens, Dillinger gang with each new time cranked all the more ambitious robbery, subtly leaving from under the nose of law enforcement officers and prison guards. Within days of its leader, managed to win a place in the main target the best FBI agents, many months for throwing his capture all the forces that were in their possession. Film - another attempt to reconstruct the course of long sunk into oblivion events once in turning ideas about crime in all strata of American society. Description of the movie " Johnny D. (Public Enemies)"
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