Prepare free tax returns for low income individuals.
Learn valuable skills Tax return preparation Dealing with a diverse group of clients (people skills) Line items for your resume IRS certification Community Service
I also wanted to mention that I can’t count the number of times, during our interviews that your name specifically and the VITA program come up. When the students talk about the program, they become animated. It is obvious that the program has added to their enthusiasm and confidence. Temple Recruiter
Network with peers, faculty, professionals End of season recognition banquet
I had the pleasure of attending two Saturday meetings for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)program in February of I was able to see community minded students, faculty, and alumnae from Temple University work with one another to help offer free tax return preparation for low- to moderate-income individuals and families who cannot afford accountants. With speaking with the students they truly enjoy the experience year after year. – Big 4 Recruiter
I attended a Saturday session of VITA last year and as was very impressed with the organization. The program was very well organized and the students had a very good understanding of the tax code and were able to deal with complex situations. There were more experienced professionals there to give them guidance. I observed the students interacting with the clients in a very professional and positive manner. This program will help the students in their career as they are gaining actual experience while still in college. In addition, the students are offering a very worthwhile program for the community. I look forward to attending another Saturday session this coming up year. - Partner Regional CPA firm
Pass IRS certification exam Exam may be taken online and at your convenience Online Course & Test
Attend training at Ambler campus January 16, 23 and 30 Show up and work We are open Saturdays 12-5, from February 6 to April 9 ▪ 12-1 Team Meeting/Lunch/Setup where we review what we learned the prior week, as well as any IRS updates issued that week.
Depends upon whether you elect for the credit or volunteer option. Accounting 3581 – Co-op Study in Accounting. Only open to students who have completed Federal Tax Course receiving a grade of B or better. Required to attend every week Volunteers are required to work a minimum of 5 out of 10 weeks.
The Campaign for Working Families runs multiple sites in the city. I have no information yet on their locations for 2016 Information at Register at Contact: Campaign for Working Families 1207 Chestnut St., 5th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107