TEN-T Innovation & New Technologies Annual & Multi-annual calls Nov’2012 TEN-T Calls Info Day 2012 29 November 2012 Helmut Morsi, Deputy Head of Unit European Commission, DG MOVE Unit B1 – TEN
Overview : Innovative Proposals Common Features of Annual and Multi-annual Calls Differentiation between the Calls – Where to apply? Lessons Learnt from previous Calls Note well understood: despite the detailed call text in 2009 Wider benefits: can be projects by itself or as part of a links projects
Common Features : General Scope and objective: promote innovation and new technologies for transport infrastructure and facilities contributing to decarbonisation or the reduction of external costs in general. Studies with integrated pilot deployment; up to 50% of eligible costs Reduction of external costs, including mitigation and adaptation to climate change Freight and/or passenger travel Transport infrastructure and facilities Facilities may include emission reduction technologies and energy storage equipment installed in vehicles On TEN-T network, ie the long distance Introduction and use of new technologies (NT), in particular using alternative fuels & propulsion NT with highest potential for rapid deployment across TEN-T network Market-sided innovation versus research-sided innovation No research! Note well understood: despite the detailed call text in 2009 Wider benefits: can be projects by itself or as part of a links projects
Common Features : Market-sided Innovation Focus: Only new technologies ready for deployment, with initial results by the end of 2014. completed by the end of 2015. Priority Elements: Real-life trials (not just a demo) (1) Testing of new technologies (2) Testing of company-client relations, i.e. innovation of processes: integration of a clearly elaborated consumer-oriented business model At the end of trial: analysis on how to scale-up to mass application Support request should not be less than € 0.5 million Note well understood: despite the detailed call text in 2009 Wider benefits: can be projects by itself or as part of a links projects
Differentiation: Annual Call All Transport Modes (and any combination) 3 Types of Studies (1) Studies without deployment possible (2) Priority on studies with pilot deployment (2a) on regional or local scale (2b) on scale of trajectory/stretch of at least 500km Indicative Innovation Budget: € 40 million Note well understood: despite the detailed call text in 2009 Wider benefits: can be projects by itself or as part of a links projects
Differentiation: Multi-annual Call 1 Type of Study Particular attention to European added value, such as Swift harmonisation of (minimum) standards Swift creation of critical mass Reduction of emissions from transport beyond existing standards (via alternative fuels or other new technologies) Deployment at EU level Innovative corridors should follow trajectories of Priority Projects (PP) Multi-modal objective: Original PP mode must be included, but also open to other modes, such as rail, road and inland waterways (and combinations) On scale of trajectory/stretch of at least 500km, i.e. long distance coverage must be proven ! Priority given to proposals involving at least 2 Member States Analysis at end of trial: possible extension to entire corridor or even whole network Indicative Budget € 725 million (all objectives for proposals on PPs) Note well understood: despite the detailed call text in 2009 Wider benefits: can be projects by itself or as part of a links projects
Lessons Learnt from last innovation calls Annual TEN-T calls in 2010 and 2011 2010: 1 of 6 selected 2011: 8 of about 14 selected Main reason for rejection: Lack of maturity Research (ineligible !) Not focussed on transport (relevance) Note well understood: despite the detailed call text in 2009 Wider benefits: can be projects by itself or as part of a links projects
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Helmut Morsi DG MOVE Deputy Head of Unit B1 “TEN-T” & Head of Sector B1.001 “TENtec & Innovation”