TEN-T support for Port projects under 2012 Annual Call INFO DAY 2012: Ports (AP) Jose Anselmo, DG MOVE Morten Jensen, TEN-T Executive Agency Brussels, 29 November 2012
Ports Policy Objectives 1 Five years after the 2007 Communication on a European Ports Policy – 3 Pilar Approach: 1. TEN-T Guidelines and Connecting Europe Facility [Infrastructure in Port + Hinterland] 2. Administrative Facilitation 3. Transparency and Regulated Market Access
Ports: Policy Objectives 3 – Administrative Facilitation European Maritime Transport Space without Barriers Ongoing activity since 2009 Actions in several fields: Customs simplification for intra-EU traffic Automatic authorised operator Third country call Phytosanitary and veterinary controls Electronic transmission of documents – Reporting Formalities Directive, e-Maritime, Blue Belt, Blue Lanes Blue Belt pilot project report (Staff Working Doc)
Ports: Policy Objectives 4 Transparency and market access examples Port Services: Pilotage, Towage, Mooring, Dredging, Icebreaking, Environmental and Waste Services, Passenger services Principles (4+1) Safety & Security Training & Qualification Public Service Market Access [+ 1 Pricing]
Ports Call overall objective I Under this sub-priority, the objective is to support the development of ports, per se, as efficient entry and exit points fully integrated with the land infrastructure. Only category A ports are eligible [work programme] under this Call - Projects to be selected under this priority will concern: works and should be in line with Article 12 of the TEN-T Guidelines. Priority will be given to projects addressing the following areas:
Ports Call overall objective II Port access and basic infrastructure: actions aiming at providing safe maritime accesses (breakwaters, sea locks, dredging (except maintenance dredging), channels and navigational aids) and quay walls, jetties, backfills and land reclamation etc. Hinterland connections: TEN-T hinterland connections (locks, rail, inland waterway connections or road if other hinterland connections are not an option) with adequate capacity and efficiency
Ports Call overall objective III Port facilities improving the environmental performance of maritime transport: LNG facilities, including barges, enabling publicly accessible bunkering operations in ports, shore-side and alternative, for instance external, electricity facilities in ports, enabling ships when berthed to be connected to onshore power supply and reception facilities for oil and other waste, including residues from scrubbers, to meet environmental requirements ICT applications: in particular eMaritime and Single Window applications, as well as applications which will facilitate administrative formalities in ports through a better use of information, communication and positioning technologies;
Ports Call overall objective IV For projects involving maritime ports which are connected to the TEN-T inland waterway network: particular attention shall be paid to Inland Waterway-friendly access, design, facilities and operations, with a view to achieving seamless interconnectivity with the hinterland through inland waterways. General Interconnectivity: [rule of thumb] Where possible, linkages and connections to other transport modes shall be an integral part of the action.
Ports call in 2012 Budget allocation for Annual Programme 2012 [Ports within] : 250 million Works only: limit of 10% rate of funding Mature development projects ( engineering final technical studies only) Deadline for submission 28 February 2012
Thank you