Hiroshi Sasakawa Ph. D. Japan Forest Technology Association Remote sensing expert JICA Project in Gabon International Symposium on Land Cover Mapping for the African Continent 26 th Jun,2013 Nairobi
Contents of Presentation 1. JICA Projects in Africa 2. General Scope of Projects 3. Objectives for development of LC maps 4. Comparison of Projects 5. Case study in Gabon 6. Conclusion JICA/JAFTA 2
JICA’s Projects related to LC mapping in AfricaJICA’s Projects related to LC mapping in Africa ©Japan Forest Technology Association 3 Gabon Project for Enhancing National Forest Resources Inventory System Contributing to Sustainable Forest Management DRC Project for Strengthening National Forest Resources Monitoring System for Promoting Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ Mozambique The Establishment of Sustainable Forest Resource Information Platform for Monitoring REDD+ Botswana Project for Enhancing National Forest Monitoring System for the Promotion of Sustainable Natural Resource Management
JICA/JAFTA 4 Development of Land Cover Map using remote sensing Designing Field inventory Development of GIS/ Database Forest Types Area Forest Distribution Design of NFI Statistical Approach GIS Layer Attribute Information General Scope of JICA ProjectGeneral Scope of JICA Project Development of Forest Resource Inventory System Basic Information for REDD+ Contribution for Sustainable Forest Management
Estimation of national biomass amountEstimation of national biomass amount ©Japan Forest Technology Association 5 The map is used to estimate national biomass amount with inventory data National biomass amount = ∑ Area (i) * Average biomass per unit area (i) Area of each forest type (i) is derived from the map Average biomass of each forest type calculated from inventory data
Policy Comparison of Project | Comparison of Project | Aspect of classification ©Japan Forest Technology Association 6 Forest Non-forest Primary forest Secondary forest Successional stage and Biomass stock and vegetation Unlogged forest Logged forest Others… Policy Forest Non-forest Primary forest Secondary forest Successional stage and Biomass stock Environmental conditions and Biomass stock Gabon DRC 1st division2nd division3rd division Gabon Non-Swamped forest Swamped forest Others…
Case study in Gabon | Forest typeCase study in Gabon | Forest type JICA/JAFTA 7 Forest typeVegetationForest Primary forest UnloggedLoggedMangrove Swamp forest Secondary forest Non-forestPlantationSavannaAgriculture Non- vegetation Water body Bare landArtifactCloudShade
Comparison of Project | Data sourcesComparison of Project | Data sources JICA/JAFTA 8 SensorTypes of DataGabonDRCMozam- bique Botswana Optical sensor LANDSAT○○○ SPOT 5 (10m ) ○○○ ALOS(AVNIR2)○○○ RapidEye○○ ALOS(AVNIR2+PRI SM 2.5m) ○○○ SPOT 5 (2.5m ) ○○○ Formosat2○ SARPALSAR○○○○
Case study in Gabon | MaterialsCase study in Gabon | Materials JICA/JAFTA Map Acquired yearSensorsTiles 2000 ~ 2003LANDSAT-ETM Map Now processing Acquired yearSensorsTiles 2008 ~ 2011ALOS-AVNIR ~ 2011ALOS-PRISM ~ 2011ALOS-PALSAR ~ 2013RapidEye ~ 2013Formosat2101
Case study in Gabon | JICA/JAFTA 10 The difficulty of using optical sensors in Gabon Even though we would combine archived data with program observation, we could not cover entire country (around 80%). Applying SAR information is indispensable for these area.
Case study in Gabon | Methods ©Japan Forest Technology Association 11 Pansharpened Data ALOS AV2 Data ALOS PRISM Data Determining layers used to classify Landsat Image NDVI, PCA Segmentation Classifying to each forest type Forest type map Training Data Reference
Case study in Gabon | JICA/JAFTA 12 LANDSAT Mosaic2003 Forest type map Forest type map of Gabon
Case study in Gabon | JICA/JAFTA 13 Primary forest Swamp forestMangrove forest Secondary forest Easy to classify!! Sample imageries of each forest type
Case study in Gabon | JICA/JAFTA 14 Unlogged forestSelectively logged forest How can logged forest be detected? Distinguishing between unlogged and selectively logged forest Unlogged and selectively logged forest are needed to distinguish because they might be different regarding biomass per unit area. But They look quite similar on Landsat imagery.
Case study in Gabon | JICA/JAFTA 15 LANDSATHigh resolution image Indirect approach Simple image interpretation or classification using high resolution images. Areas included in a constant distance are regarded as logged forest. Some approaches to detect logged forest Auxiliary information such as forest operation records of concessions is important for analysis.
Conclusion | Conclusion | JICA projects in Africa JICA/JAFTA 16 JICA is advancing various projects in Africa to develop National Forest Resource Information System including forest type mapping It is unique that projects are progressing integrating remote sensing, GIS/data base and forest inventory. Forest type maps are used to stratify forest for field inventory design at present and estimate the national biomass amount in future. Forest types and sensors are difference every country because vegetation and cloud condition are different. National policy is also one of the factors.
Conclusion | Case study in Gabon JICA/JAFTA 17 Distinguishing between unlogged and selectively logged forest is difficult on the middle-resolution imagery. Several approaches are available to do it. The first one is a direct method to classify them using high resolution images. The second is an indirect method to define logged forest as areas included in a constant distance. Tree crowns in selectively logged forest become close in 40 years in Gabon. That is to say logged forest is not only areas including gaps of trees but also areas look like un-logged forest. Therefore using auxiliary information such as forest operation records of concessions or inventory data are important to delineate logged forest in Gabon in addition to using satellite imagery.
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