Aims/Objectives Investigate the proposal for a new system. Unit 3 Aims/Objectives Investigate the proposal for a new system.
Unit 3 Task 1 (P4, P6, D2) You need to describe, propose and justify a new information system to your company’s senior management based on your suggestions in Assignment 1
Unit 3 Task 1 (P4, P6, D2) Produce a proposal for your company’s new MIS, summarising its current features and functions and then go on to explain how you would implement your proposals. (P4) Deliverable: Report Describe the features and functions of information systems
Unit 3 Task 1 (P4, P6, D2) Explain how you would define what information is required to develop the MIS and outline what checks you would use to ensure accuracy. P6) Deliverable: Report Select information to support a business decision-making process
Unit 3 Task 1 (P4, P6, D2) Justify the information selected to support the business decision making process. Within this justification you should include the benefits to your company, using examples which clearly show improved efficiently and increased profit. (D2) Deliverable: Report Justify the information selected to support a business decision-making process.
Unit 3