Stage 6 Subject Selection Information Evening Monday June
Program: Simon Kelly – RHHS Deputy Principal Senior School Subject Categories Expression of Interest Process Timelines Kathryn Henson – RHHS Careers Advisor Subject Choices
Subject Categories
HSC Eligibility Requirements To qualify for the HSC: 12 units Preliminary (usually 6 subjects) 10 units HSC (usually 5 subjects) Students must satisfactorily complete courses comprising this pattern of study. Students must also: - Complete the practical, oral or project works required for specific courses - Satisfactorily complete the internal assessment requirements for each course - Sit for and make a serious attempt at the Higher School Certificate examinations
Eligibility Requirements Board Developed Courses Category A count towards HSC and ATAR VET courses (Hospitality + TAFE delivered) have competency assessment. They are category (B) courses and only 2 units of these will contribute to an ATAR Board Endorsed Courses (BEC) have no external HSC examination – only school unmoderated assessment marks appear on the HSC record of achievement. They will not count towards an ATAR
Changes to Subject Booklet Engineering Studies Information Processes & Technology Software Design & Development Industrial Technology Timber Amended sections are available at the front of the stage Amended booklets are available from the website
Expression of Interest Process
Expression of Interest form This is NOT your Subject Selection form
Tomorrow ed to each student in Years 1.0 and 1.1 Can be accessed through External Students
Subject Selection Timelines
Timeline – Term 2 Mon 22 nd June – Week 10 Term 2 Subject Selection Information Evening Expression of Interest Forms Issued
Timeline – Term 3 Wed 15 th July - Week 1 Term 3 Subject Selection meeting with Head Teachers Fri 17 th July – Week 1 Term 3 EOI forms due Mon 21st to Fri 25 th July – Week 2 Term 3 Subject Selection Interviews Wed 5 th Aug – Week 4 Term 3 Subject Selection forms issued
Timeline – Term 3 Wed 12 th Aug – Week 5 Term 3 Subject Selection Forms returned Tues 1 st Sep – Week 8 Term 3 Subject Information available to students
Careers Advisor /Vet Co-ordinator Ms Henson
Student ability and ongoing commitment to a subject. Future career plans Previous elective success HSC with an Atar –Australian Tertiary Admission Rank necessary for entrance into university Or HSC with a Non Atar University prerequisites
Vocational Education and Training Courses The courses available at Rouse Hill HS are: Business Services, Information Technology, and Hospitality Are written by industry and are competency based-”hands on learning” Board Developed –Count towards the ATAR The completion of these Framework courses is equivalent to a Certificate 11 at TAFE
Students must complete 70hours of Workplace Learning – (2 weeks) developing employability skills such as: Problem–solving Initiative/enterprise Planning & organisation Self-management Learning & Communication Team work Technology
Subject Selection booklet Careers Advisor, Faculty Heads and teachers Bullseye Career Information booklet Job Guide UAC Handbook and website for University course prerequisites TAFENSW website and institute booklets
There are many websites with a wealth of information These include: SKILLSROAD.COM.AU Job Jump
Save websites and information electronically in your favourites, on your phones, laptops,ipads or other devices in an organised way for easy access as you complete your Senior years. Make sure your information is digitally organised and good luck with your ongoing Career planning.