Topical Issue (TI) in Solar Physics – Used as a Proceedings for this Workshop with a Much Broader Capture of Important Radio-Heliophysics Papers… IPS Workshop – Nagoya – November 2013 Mario M. Bisi (Please note my new address and affiliation details…) RAL Space, Science & Technology Facilities Council – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, England, UK
A Solar Physics Topical Issue (1) Firstly, a small problem: CESRA (Community for European Solar Radio Astronomers) have a TI that had a deadline for submission having just past (15 November 2013) with the scope of any work which was presented at the meeting in Prague, June 2013 – but these papers will have a European-biased gathering of the science and possibly more solar dominated papers in general and thus there should not be too much of a problem, especially with the later timing of this TI and its likely IPS bias. The two Remote-Sensing TIs were very successful! There will be three Guest Editors (GEs) again (two are not enough): Mario M. Bisi - Bernard V. Jackson - J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza.
Each Solar Physics volume should ideally be ~220 pages in total where smaller/larger editions are allowed. Completely free for the authors to publish including no page/colour or movie charges; only charges would be for reprints if required. The Solar Physics Journal generally has a higher impact factor and is read by a wider audience more-pertinent to our aspects of Heliophysics than the CAWSES-II proceedings chosen journal. Could include our science presented/discussed at this workshop (and our CAWSES-II science if preferred over the CAWSES-II proceedings) plus work arising/resulting from this workshop. A Solar Physics Topical Issue (2)
Proceedings can contain up to ONE review paper and should have a preface (likely written by the GEs and workshop organisers). Authors would firstly submit their abstracts, author lists, and suggested referees several months ahead of the paper-submission deadline to Solar Physics – ALL papers are refereed as normal! For papers where one or more of the Guest Editors is an author (especially first author), the paper will then be primarily worked on by Lidia and her Associate Editor, Cristina Mandrini. Likely deadline for submission would be late-summer 2014 and publication in late 2014/early 2015 (depending on refereeing time). A Solar Physics Topical Issue (3)
Three possible titles: “Radio Observations of the Sun and Inner Heliosphere” OR “Space Weather Science and Forecasting Through Observations of Radio” OR “Radio Heliophysics and its use in Space Weather Science and Forecasting” A Solar Physics Topical Issue (4)
Summary So, what’s needed today: we need to know as accurately as possible the number of papers just from our close-community here, the choice of the TI title, the abstract-submission date, and whether or not this overall rough submission timeline sounds feasible? GEs will work closely with Lidia to approve papers and have some teleconferences to be sure the TI is completed in a timely manner, i.e. chasing authors/referees and also in refereeing papers etc… when referees let us down (which does happen for a few papers)! Potential GEs now need to put together a brief proposal ASAP to Lidia which will include a small abstract for the TI – Lidia is already keen to publish again, so this is almost a formality!