SMART WATER is Co-financed by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism
1. What is a WebGIS? WebGIS stands for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) published on the web. A WebGIS is thus an extension on the web for applications developed to manage the digital cartography. GIS traditional applications can be deployed as WebGIS on a web server (also called map server) allowing interaction with the cartography and with the associated data through the internet. The best known examples of WebGIS are web applications for locations mapping, street maps or atlases. WebGIS applications are used through internet browsers, sometimes with the use of specific plugins or by specific software such as Google Earth. Other typical examples of WebGIS applications are GIS of regions and municipalities that make accessible to citizens environmental, urban and territorial information providing a map-based navigation. 2 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
2. WebGIS features Zoom Pan Legend Feature selection "Probing" of all active layers on selection Search by attributes Direct map selection with access to associated feature data Topological analysis Printing SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training 3
3. WebGIS Tool GUI 4 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training The GUI (Graphic User Interface) is composed by different elements: Map frame (the container) Toolbar (on top of the map frame) Context menu (inside the map frame when right mouse button is clicked) Toolbox (on the right of the map frame)
3. WebGIS Tool GUI 5 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training A full view of the GUI with all the elements.
3. 1 Map frame 6 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training The map frame is the container of all the elements of the GUI. Inside the map frame there are: Active layers (showing the actual map) Floating windows (legend, print, transparency, etc.) Navigation pane Scale level Footer information (map scale, XY coordinates, etc.)
Active layers 7 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training All the active layers compose the actual map that is showed.
Floating windows 8 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training Some tools open floating windows that appear inside the map frame. Windows can then be dragged over the map, enlarged, reduced, closed or minimized on the bottom of the map frame. E.g.: Layers list and Search results windows.
Navigation pane 9 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training On the right top of the map frame there’s the Navigation pane. It’s a small pane that shows the entire map extension and the actual position of the visualized map portion, relative to the full map. By clicking on the navigation pane it is possible to move to a specific position on the map.
Scale level 10 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training On the right of the map frame, under the navigation pane, there’s the Scale level tool. It’s a slider that can change the actual scale of the map. Moving the slider up increases the scale, moving it down decreases it.
Footer information 1 11 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training On the bottom left of the map frame, there are some useful information. The scale bar is used to read lengths on the map. The X Y coordinates indicate the cursor current position. Coordinate values depend on the Coordinate System set for the map.
Footer information 2 12 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training On the bottom right of the map frame, there’s the scale indicator that shows the actual scale of the map. By clicking over the scale value a textbox appears and the user can directly set a specific scale value for the map.
3. 2 Toolbar From left to right: 1. Pan 2. Zoom in 3. Zoom out 4. Full extent 5. Reload map 6. Legend 7. Print 8. Select feature 9. Probing 10. Remove selection 11. Measure 12. Transparency 13. Help 13 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Pan With the Pan tool the user can move over the map by clicking on it and dragging the mouse cursor. When the mouse cursor is over the map, it changes to a hand. 14 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Zoom in With the Zoom in tool the user can increase the zoom level of the map by clicking on a specific point or by drawing a rectangle on a specific area. When the mouse cursor is over the map, it changes to a cross. Moving the mouse wheel up, generates the same behavior. 15 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Zoom out With the Zoom out tool the user can decrease the zoom level of the map by clicking on a specific point. When the mouse cursor is over the map, it changes to a cross. Moving the mouse wheel down, generates the same behavior. 16 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Full extent With the Full extent tool the user can bring back the map to its initial level of zoom. 17 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Reload map With the Reload map tool the user can reload the entire map. 18 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Legend With the Legend tool the user can open the Layers list floating window. From the window the user can navigate through layers and activate/deactivate them by clicking on the checkbox on the left of their name. 19 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Print With the Print tool the user can open the Print document floating window. Click on “Create document” link to start a batch process that generates a PDF document in A4 format with the visualized map portion and the legend. After the process finishes, the “Download document” link appears. Click on it to get the PDF document. 20 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Select feature 1 With the Select feature tool the user can select on the map a single feature by clicking on it (point, line, polygon). It is also possible to select many features at once by drawing a rectangle on a specific area. When the mouse cursor is over the map, it changes to a pointer with question mark. The user can choose on which layer to activate the selection by selecting a specific layer on the Selectable layer drop down list on the Toolbar. The default value is “Top-most layer”. 21 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Select feature 2 After the user makes a selection, the Search floating window appears. It shows all the features that are part of the selection. By clicking on the magnifying glass on the left of each feature, the map will zoom in to the specific result. 22 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Select feature 3 With the Select feature tool the user can also retrieve some information by simply stopping the cursor over a feature for a second. The feature will be automatically selected and appears a tooltip with the feature description. 23 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Probing 1 With the Probing tool the user can make a deep selection on all the layers underlying the selected point or area on the map. Like the Select feature tool, it is possible to select one or more features by clicking on a specific feature or by drawing a rectangle on a specific area. When the mouse cursor is over the map, it changes to a pointer with question mark. It is not necessary to choose on which layer the selection will be made because all the active layers are automatically selected if they are part of the selection. 24 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Probing 2 After the user makes a deep selection, the Selection results window appears. It shows all the layers underlying the selected portion of the map. Clicking on the plus button on the right of a layer name, opens the features list included in the selection. With the magnifying glass on the left of each feature, the map will zoom in to the specific result. 25 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Remove selection With the Remove selection tool the user can remove all the active selections on the map. 26 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Measure 1 With the Measure tool the user can make linear or polygonal measurements on the map. When the mouse cursor is over the map, it changes to a cross. 27 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Measure 2 To make a linear measurement, just select a starting point and then drag the cursor to the end point. Double click on the last point to close the segment and release the cursor. The measure appears on the right bottom side of the map. 28 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Measure 3 To make a polygonal measurement, just select a starting point and then add at least 2 other points to draw a polygon. Double click on the last point to close the polygon and release the cursor. The measure appears on the right bottom side of the map. 29 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Transparency With the Transparency tool the user can open the Apply transparency floating window. From the window the user can adjust the transparency level of the selected layer by moving the slider from left to right to decrease it or from right to left to increase it. 30 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Help With the Help tool the user can open the Help floating window that shows all the tool descriptions. 31 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
3. 3 Context menu When the user click the right mouse button on the map, a dedicated context menu appears. The user can quickly access some of the Toolbar tools: Probing, Remove selection, Print, Full extent and Reload map. 32 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
3. 4 Toolbox 1 On the right side of the map frame there’s the Toolbox. It contains the Quick search tool. The user can select in which layer wants to search by choosing a layer on the Layer drop down list. Then the user have to insert on the textbox the values to search for. 33 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
3. 4 Toolbox 2 To perform a “as is” search, click on the blue magnifying glass. The search will select every record that exactly match the pattern. To perform a “like” search, click on the green magnifying glass. The search will select every record that contains the pattern. The "%" sign is used to define wildcards (missing letters) both before and after the pattern. 34 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
3. 4 Toolbox 3 The matching results are shown on the Search results floating window, like happens for Select feature/Probing tools. 35 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
4. Query the map The WebGIS tool is able to relate cartographic data and alphanumeric data. It’s always possible to: Get data from map objects Get map objects from a search on data 36 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
4. 1 Data from map objects By making a selection on the map or simply stopping over an object, the user gets related attributes information on the Search results window or on the Tooltip. 37 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
4. 2 M ap objects from data With a search on a specific layer, the user get a list of map objects that match the pattern. Then it is possible to zoom in on the map to every single object. 38 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
5. WebGIS requirements In general, the WebGIS viewer supports the current and prior major release of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari on a rolling basis. Adobe Reader is needed to open PDF document generated by the Print tool. 39 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
What the SMART WATER TOOLS is designed to do To offer to civil protection authorities a quick, easy, yet reliable and efficient way to manage their resources (infrastructures, personnel, equipment, volunteers) To cooperate with powerful optimization and simulation tools that generate solutions for evacuation, (pre) allocation, routing and transportation of resources (human & equipment) taking into consideration the needs of the events and the availability of resources Used for planning, management, response and recovery Other (Please advise on local/ regional needs for tool advancements
Features to be considered 1. Scenarios Development (by each one of the partners) <= User Needs/Past Events? 2. Interaction with scheduled exercises 3. Integration of Existing Plans / Procedures on Screen (for supporting non experienced operators ) 4. Map of available resources (in the area, in nearby areas, in region) 1. Equipment (type, use, availability, condition) 2. Professionals 3. Volunteers 5. Info/ Data update (bottom – up approach) 1. New infrastructures 2. New resources (Equipment, professionals, volunteers (skills, location, type, etc)) 3. New Land use 6. Interactive with real time situation –actions to be done (flood monitoring, placement of forces, progress of evacuation) – DSS tools (algorithms compatible) - sensors 41 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training
Local training will provide valuable information and propose operational improvements for the tool to optimize its use 42 SMART WATER – WebGIS Smart Tool Training