Natural Resource Information Systems Aquatic Organism Passage Managing your Data in INFRA and NRIS Water Brian Sanborn USFS – NRIS Water/Air Region 9 – Aquatic Organism Passage Workshop Escanaba, MI May 27, 2004
AOP in NRIS Water and Infra Introduction Overview –NRIS Water –Infra Data Storage –What goes where….and why. Data retrieval and use
What is NRIS Water
NRIS Water Business Areas Aquatic inventory –Channel characterization, Fish habitat Aquatic biota –Aquatic animal occurrence, Population sampling Water Uses Tracking System –Water uses, Water rights Watershed Improvement Tracking System –Inventory of potential sites, Project management Aquatic Organism Passage
Surveys in NRIS Water Survey –What you are trying to characterize –Defined by Protocol, Date, and Location Rch QS-3 X-SEC 1 X-SEC 2 X-SEC W/D Sample –Measurements taken –Can have location –One-to-many samples in a survey –Sub-sampling –Defined by robustness required
What is Infra? … an integrated data management tool where Forests can enter, manage, and report accurate information and associated financial data on the inventory of their constructed features
Basis for Capitalization Infra Business Areas Inventory Travel Routes Roads, Trails Features Buildings, Water Systems, Dams, Culverts, Bridges, Waste Systems. Fences, Power Systems, Fire Device, Communication Systems… Land Units Developed Sites, RMUs/Pastures, Administrative Sites, Heritage Sites, Wilderness Fiscal Management Subsidiary Ledgers Billing Work Planning/Maintenance Cost Estimating Accomplishment Reporting FFIS Interfaces FAADS Interface Bills & Receipts Grazing Permits Visitor Use Permits Grants and Agreements Special Uses Mining Sites and Permits Forest Product Permits Permits & Contracts Create/Modify Inventory
Current Infra Applications 1. Real Property Management 2.Real Property Accounting 3.Grants & Agreements 4.Range Land & Permits 5.Special Uses 6.Developed Recreation Sites 7.Heritage 8.Roads 9.Trails 10.Buildings 11.Timber Sale Contracts 12.Bridges & Major Culverts 13.Dams 14.Wilderness 15.Visitor Use Permits 16.Mining Sites & Permits 17.Water Systems 18.Waste Systems 19.Work Items 20.Forest Product Permits 12.Culvert Module
The Problem… Infra stores data on culverts Water stores data on stream features Some are barriers…. …some are not
The solution… Water stream features are locations on streams Attributes of Water Locations ID: Type: Stream Point Infra culverts are features located on roads Attributes of Infra Features ID: Type: Culvert Location/Feature Relationship
Infra Culvert Module Components FHWA – Federal Highway Administration –Inventory –Classification / Service –Structure / Geometric –Ratings –Inspections –Improvements / Rehab
Infra Culvert Module Components Culvert Installations – an area on a road or trail containing one or more culverts – the crossing –Management Information –Road information –Stream information Culverts – the individual pipes –Pipe information Type, material, size Attachments Problems –Longitudinal Profiles
Culvert Installations ManagementRoadStream
Culvert Information
Culvert Attachments
Culvert Problems
Culvert Surveys Longitudinal and Cross Section
Linking Culvert and Passage
Passage Classification Select Location Enter Survey Data Classify passage by species, by life stage
Passage Survey Survey sections of streams or single features Waterfalls, dams, fords, etc Longitudinal profiles and Cross Sections
Data Retrieval and Use Output of culvert data for use in –FishXing –Eastern Region Course Screen Longitudinal and cross section output –Plotting –Calculations – height, slope, residual pool depths, outlet drop, etc. Data summations for passage classification –By species –By life stage
Data Retrieval and Use Summaries by feature, reach, stream, watershed Locate passage classifications upstream and downstream (road crossings and others) Identify species occurrence and habitat surveys relative to barrier Can be regionally customized – we need your input
Data Retrieval and Use Maps and network Tools
Natural Resource Information Systems USDA Forest Service NRIS Thanks for your attention…. Questions?