GMES Marine Service: MyOcean,MyOcean2 ECOMF P. Bahurel EUMETSAT - MyOcean Meeting – 25 April Darmstadt
Introduction What MyOcean has delivered What is MyOcean2 What is ECOMF Conclusion, with the links Eumetsat/MyOcean
GMES Marine service, implementation steps with EC GMES Implementation ( ) – FP6 MERSEA ( ) Set up a common R&D, prepare a system – FP7 MyOcean ( ) Set up a European integrated system, and open the service to users – FP7 MyOcean2 ( ) Develop and improve the service, work for sustainability GMES operations (2014 onwards) – ECOMF, European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting A GMES Marine service sustained for users
MyOcean (3 years) & MyOcean2 (2,5 years) ~60 partners from ~28 countries ~11 M€/year EC Grant
Our organization, (and who is visiting you) GENERAL ASSEMBLY 59 partners GENERAL ASSEMBLY 59 partners BOARD P Bahurel (coord.) M Bell, J Johannessen, PY Le Traon, K Nittis, N Pinardi, J She (Sec: A Podaire) BOARD P Bahurel (coord.) M Bell, J Johannessen, PY Le Traon, K Nittis, N Pinardi, J She (Sec: A Podaire) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Executive Committee Bureau J Dorandeu (proj. manager), B Hackett, M Tonani, S Pouliquen, A Sellar Executive Committee Bureau J Dorandeu (proj. manager), B Hackett, M Tonani, S Pouliquen, A Sellar WP1: Dorandeu WP2: ObatonWP3: NolanWP4: Lake WP5 Dombrowsky WP6: BertinoWP7: Huess WP8: HinesWP9: AlvarezWP10: Tonani WP11 Korotaev WP18: MasinaWP17: SellarWP19: Stanev WP13: BreivikWP12: LarnicolWP14: SantoleriWP15: PouliquenWP16: Claverie Project Management Office J Dorandeu, M Fabardines, C Thomas, F Hernandez, L Cherdel, C Labrousse Project Management Office J Dorandeu, M Fabardines, C Thomas, F Hernandez, L Cherdel, C Labrousse Core User Group MyOcean Adv. Committee Scientific Adv. Committee Stakeholders Users Research
1. What MyOcean has delivered:
a) a demonstration of the marine « core service » concept SYSTEM SERVICE INTERMEDIATE USERS
b) A catalogue of marine « common denominator » data Currents, Temperature, Salinity Sea Level, Sea Ice, Surface winds Biogeochemistry 239 products
c) A comprehensive and consistent description of the ocean All areas In Situ Observations Satellite Observations Assimilative Models Real-time Reanalyses
d) A single and easy access point for users DISCOVER VIEW DOWNLOAD Open & Free Services Data Policy
e) A pan-European system organization to produce marine information 5 THEMATIC ASSEMBLY CENTRES 7 MONITORING AND FORECASTING CENTRES 60 PARTNERS in FP7 MyOcean & MyOcean2 projects 14 MAIN OPERATORS for the main service functions
f) An information system to manage the data flows
g) A methodology and organization to handle complex system evolution A common approach at a pan-European scale to manage system & service evolutions A high-level review group, with EC evaluators and external experts 2 major updates in 3 years
h) A service desk Providing assistance Connecting users and experts
i) Service Level Agreements Around 1000 standard Service Level Agreements today Specific management for major accounts EEA
j) A project organization to work on user’s uptake A WP gathering of « reference intermediate users » The Core User Group A set of User Requirement Documents (URDs) User Training Bologna July 2011 User Forum Stockholm, April 2011
k) A pan-European organization to run the present and prepare the future Annual meetings with partners A project management, central and distributed A Board, with advisory committees for stakeholders, for users and for science Contract, project and service coordination, between partners and EC ECOMF
l) A growing number of users (1 jan) 715 (1 feb) 1009 (26 march) 855 (1 march) Service v1 Service v2 Service v0
m) A good repartition of users Users in 65 different countries (25 EU members) A fair repartition in application areas And 67% of users using the core service in more than one sector
n) A positive momentum to move from MyOcean to MyOcean2 a GMES Marine Service – for ocean monitoring and forecasting 1000 users – User #1000 registered on Friday 23 March requests/day – requests in January 2012 and in February 2012
2. What is MyOcean2
MyOcean2 2,5 year project (April 2012 – September 2014), with 60 partners, and a EU Grant of 28 M€ A continuation of MyOcean1 focussing further on the service to users, and with improvements based on MyOcean experience Some priorities: continuous updates in the catalogue, quality assessment, reanalyses & multi-year assessment, user uptake
MyOcean2: 3 Blocks of activities 5. MFC GLO 6. MFC ARC 7. MFC BAL 8. MFC NWS 9. MFC IBI 10. MFC MED 11. MFC BS 12. TAC SL 13. TAC OC 14. TAC OSI 15. TAC IS 16. Central Info Syst 2. Service Block B (System of Systems) Development, Production Operations, Service 17. Product Quality 19. Scientific & Technical Evol Block C (Cross-cutting) Science, assessment and service evolution 18. Reanalysis Implementation 4. Outreach & Training Block A (Management & Core Service) Strategy, Project Service, System, Added-Value Outreach 3. National Users 1. Management
MyOcean2: 3 Blocks of activities 5. MFC GLO 6. MFC ARC 7. MFC BAL 8. MFC NWS 9. MFC IBI 10. MFC MED 11. MFC BS 12. TAC SL 13. TAC OC 14. TAC OSI 15. TAC IS 16. Central Info Syst 2. Service Block B (System of Systems) Development, Production Operations, Service 17. Product Quality 19. Scientific & Technical Evol Block C (Cross-cutting) Science, assessment and service evolution 18. Reanalysis Implementation 4. Outreach & Training Block A (Management & Core Service) Strategy, Project Service, System, Added-Value Outreach 3. National Users 1. Management A single TAC for SST, Sea Ice & Wind A simplified service organization More effort towards and with our users’ community Building cross-cutting added-value
MyOcean2, a project for users Users Service Desk User Survey Service monitoring User uptake Training, Outreach, Comm. Science, CalVal Reanalyses Users can be: EU citizens, Private sector National, regional systems Intergovernmental bodies, European agencies ….. Intermediate users, End users User strategy & coord WP2 WP3 WP4 WP17 WP18 WP19 WP1
2 nd period activity Master schedule AMJJASONDAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASJFM d AOR 29/03/2012 User Workshop MyO Science Days 1 st reporting period2 nd reporting period Organisation ServiceSystem Users Science Prepare Project, service, system operation Prepare next phase Project, service, system operation Prepare next phase AORAOR Be ready for ECOMF AORAOR DR Definition, Design Do more and improve with current capabilities Improved capabilities, improved service Work with users to define next service version Be ready for a sustained service Definition, Design developNew products New system versionNew products V3 New version, New products V4 Definition preparation 1st period activity SD UW 1st Annual Review 2nd Annual Review EUR Tr EUR 1st AOR
3. What is ECOMF European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting
What is ECOMF? This is the organization delivering the ocean monitoring and forecasting component of the GMES Marine Service ECOMF
Why do we need ECOMF? For implementing a sustainable provision scheme for the Ocean Monitoring & Forecasting component of the GMES Marine Service Capitalizing on the achievements of MyOcean and previous projects More than 10 years needed for reaching the current state…, this would have – and will – not be possible without GMES Capitalizing on the Investments on observation infrastructure Have been done & will continue for space systems Must be consolidated for in-situ systems This necessarily leads to a “MyOcean-like” service Whatever the future configuration of GMES will be, there is need for a solid service infrastructure and organization to be ready by 2014
The components of the European Operational Oceanography Infrastructure ECOMF A “European Centre” taking care of the core service part, pooling high level investments, simplifying interfaces, delivering common-need data Effort on ”ECOMF” A “European community of marine centres”, adding value for users, collecting observations, delivering services, taking care of national interests, sharing skills and practices Effort on national components
Sea Level Ocean Color Sea Surface Temp. Sea Ice & Wind In Situ Arctic Ocean Baltic Sea Atlantic NWS Atlantic IBI Mediterranean Sea Global Ocean Black Sea 5 Thematic Assembly Centres 7 Monitoring and Forecasting Centres Observations Models Service Desk Building ECOMF on MyOcean architecture…
Sea Level Ocean Color Sea Surface Temp. Sea Ice & Wind In Situ Arctic Ocean Baltic Sea Atlantic NWS Atlantic IBI Mediterranean Sea Global Ocean Black Sea 5 Thematic Assembly Centres 7 Monitoring and Forecasting Centres Observations Models Service Desk … and core components…
ECOMF timeframe… 2011: ECOMF emerging – Signal sent to European stakeholders: the ECOMF process is kicked-off – MoU signed by 14 key partners for ECOMF preparation 2012: ECOMF design – Scope, service content, implementation options, legal form, – Links/partnerships with stakeholders, funding schemes, governance 2013: ECOMF implementation – Assuming that GMES funding scheme is known, progressive implementation of ECOMF ; arrangements with EC and stakeholders 2014: ECOMF ready for transition – End of MyOcean2, transition to GMES operations 2011, kick-off 2012, design 2013, implement. 2014, ready
1 st round: the MoU between the core production partners Signed on 10 Feb 2014, by 14 MyOcean key partners for preparing the ECOMF definition Short-term (2012) actions – Define the key elements of ECOMF: Functionalities, architecture, legal status, governance, funding approach Several implementation options to be considered – Link with European & national stakeholders Discussions based on ECOMF implementation options Partnerships to be sought
2 nd round: Partnership(s) for the full value chain… Partnership(s) with National Centres – including the Downscaling Forecasting Centres of ROOSES – Form a group of “strategic partners” with the national centres leading operational oceanography in Member States – Goal: Ensure the necessary links between Member States Centres and ECOMF, and the national uptake of the service – Proposition: hold a “strategic partners” meeting in fall 2012
2 nd round: Partnerships for the full value chain… Partnerships with European stakeholders – Link with Eumetsat for space observations, EEA & EuroGOOS for in situ observations, EuroGOOS for European partnerships in operational oceanography – Goal: ensure the necessary links upstream with observation providers downstream with centres and projects – Bilateral meetings in 2012
Conclusion, EUMETSAT and us
6 main issues 1.[ upstream ] EUMETSAT observation data for MyOcean 2.[ downstream ] EUMETSAT & MyOcean users 3.[ service ] EUMETSAT & marine component of climate 4.[ methodology ] EUMETSAT in MyOcean review & guidance 5.[ structuration ] EUMETSAT & ECOMF 6.[ international ] EUMETSAT & international cooperation in operational oceanography (inc. training)
6 main issues 1.[ upstream ] EUMETSAT observation data for MyOcean 2.[ downstream ] EUMETSAT & MyOcean users 3.[ service ] EUMETSAT & marine component of climate 4.[ methodology ] EUMETSAT in MyOcean review & guidance 5.[ structuration ] EUMETSAT & ECOMF 6.[ international ] EUMETSAT & international cooperation in operational oceanography (inc. training)
EUMETSAT observations for the GMES Marine Service EUMETSAT missions feed the MyOcean service Jason-2 derived Sea Surface Topography MSG & EPS derived SST, Sea Ice & Surface Winds Future missions operated by EUMETSAT will continue Jason series for Sea Surface Topography Sentinel-3 for Sea Surface Topography, SST, ocean color, … MTG & post-EPS for SST, Sea Ice, Winds… Need to consolidate the EUMETSAT & MyOcean/ECOMF respective scopes of activities (level of processing, mono- & multi-sensor, cal/val, ….)
EUMETSAT in MyOcean review & guidance MyOcean Review Process MyOcean Review Process inspired by EUMETSAT processes Lorenzo Sarlo (co-chair) & Frederic Gasiglia (member) of the MyOcean Review Board: thanks for the strong & more than helpful involvement MyOcean Advisory Committee Lorenzo Sarlo & Paul Counet as EUMETSAT representatives We hope that it will continue for MyOcean2 Importance of MyOcean2 Review Process (inspired by EUMETSAT CDOP one)
6 main issues 1.[ upstream ] EUMETSAT observation data for MyOcean 2.[ downstream ] EUMETSAT & MyOcean users 3.[ service ] EUMETSAT & marine component of climate 4.[ methodology ] EUMETSAT in MyOcean review & guidance 5.[ structuration ] EUMETSAT & ECOMF 6.[ international ] EUMETSAT & international cooperation in operational oceanography (inc. training)