Overview of the emission reporting from aviation and navigation in Latvia Agita Gancone (LEA) Līga Meļko (CSB)


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the emission reporting from aviation and navigation in Latvia Agita Gancone (LEA) Līga Meļko (CSB)

Territory of Latvia

The presentation covers following areas Key institutions responsible for emissions reporting; Sources of activity data; Models and calculations used; Examples of reporting - problems; How the domestic and international emissions are disaggregated; Improvements of inventory

Key institutions for emission reporting Latvian Environment Agency (LEA) – responsible for emissions calculation and reporting Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB) – responsible for data collection Note: LEA has an agreement with CSB on data and information exchange and delivery since 6 th of April This agreement will ensure close cooperation between LEA and CSB.

Sources of activity data [1] Mainly LEA used activity data from Statistical Bureau – fuel consumption from Energy balance (CRF – 1.A.3.a, 1.A.3.d, 1.A.4.c, Off- road, Bunkers/navigation and aviation), but also data from : for aviation: airport Riga – number of flights; research by local expert Implementation of requirements of international conventions on air protection-Aviation and navigation (2002) – average fuel consumption per flight

Sources of activity data [2] for international/bunkering navigation: research by local expert Implementation of requirements of international conventions on air protection-Aviation and navigation (2002) – fuel consumption for period Note: Due to lack of activity data and information especially for historical period regarding aviation and navigation were made research by local expert based on IPCC Good Practice Guidelines requests Implementation of requirements of international conventions on air protection Aviation and navigation in the 2002

Models and calculations used Generally were used IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines and Good Practice Guidelines; Assumptions from research by local expert.

Examples of reporting - problems [1] Submission 2004 for UNFCCC, EMEP, NEC: Civil aviation as domestic emissions under category 1.A.3.a. Navigation as domestic emissions under category 1.A.3.d. Fishing as domestic emissions under category 1.A.4.c. Military isn't divide separately and included under 1.A.4.a. International aviation as international emissions under category Bunkers/Aviation International navigation as international emissions under category Bunkers/Navigation

Examples of reporting - problems [2] Aviation (domestic and international): Emissions calculations were done separately for LTO and cruise using average fuel consumption International Navigation: Official activity data (CSB) are available only from 2001; In the research by local expert wasnt considered diesel oil consumption and therefore for 1990 – 2000 didn't calculate emissions too, as result emissions from 2001 has increased essentially – but now we are working on this topic.

Examples of reporting - problems [3] Lack of activity data for historical period – relating with economical situation activity data has fluctuations – wherewith time series regarding it hasnt consistency; Low capacity for emission inventory preparation (one person is responsible for 3-4 sectors); Recalculations (after updating activity data); Lack of national system for emission calculation and reporting – LEA is responsible for emission calculation, reporting and obtaining activity data too.

How the domestic and international fuel consumption are disaggregated for aviation [1] Domestic: average fuel consumption per flight * Nr. of flights = total fuel consumption for domestic aviation International: average fuel consumption per flight * Nr. of flights = total fuel consumption for international aviation Corrected with fuel amount from CSB (it is so because national expert, when calculated average fuel consumption per international flight took into account only fuel consumption until Latvian borderline)

How the domestic and international fuel consumption are disaggregated for navigation [2] Following latest information from Ministry of Transport and Communication, Latvia hasnt in- land waters and consequently emissions too; Therefore in the next submission Latvia will show emissions only from bunkering.

Improvements of inventory [1] In the framework of project Institutional strengthening of national air emission inventories Latvia has planned to improve emission inventory relating aviation, bunkering/ navigation, fishing as well as from Off-road; It is foreseen that in the next submission (2005) data will be recalculated regarding some essential improvements.

Improvements of inventory [2] Planned improvements: Emissions from mobile fuel consumption regarding Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing – from each sector separately; Activity data for emission calculation from international navigation – from Statistical Bureau for all years.

Thank you for your attention!