Panoramic Views of Water Fountain Sources Hiroshi Imai Graduate School of Science and Engineering Kagoshima University A Neapolitan of Masers: Variability, Magnetism and VLBI 20 May 2013, CSIRO CASS, Australia
Water fountain highly collimated, fast, stellar, molecular jet from AGB to post-AGB star, from spherical symmetric to asymmetric circumstellar envelope Egg Nebula (post-AGB star) ⓒ NASA Betelgeuse (Mira variable) ⓒ NASA W43A (OH/IR star) water fountain Deguchi et al H 2 O maser spectrum (Likkel et al. 1992)
Masers in water fountains Dynamical centers within 70 AU Systemic velocities within 3 km/s H 2 O and OH masers (Imai et al. 2002) SiO and H 2 O masers (Imai et al. 2005) SPITZER/GLIMPSE image around W43A (Deguchi et al. 2007) VLT micron image of W43A (Lagadec et al. 2011)
Mechanism of stellar jet launch See Vlemmings’s talk about magnetic field Mechanism of planetary nebula shaping by jet Character of stellar system: single star v.s. binary Dynamical time scales: t dyn (H2O)=l/v exp <100 yr, But equal to true ages? Can we see evolution/devolution? Precessing jets? Recurrent jet ignitions? Main-sequence mass and evolutionary phase of host star? What is low-velocity H 2 O maser components? Open issues of water fountains
1.Luminosities and secular motions of the water fountain systems Astrometry with VLBA and VERA 2.Thermal molecular emission ( 12 CO, 13 CO) High velocity molecular component Hot-bottom burning in nucleosynthesis 3.Kinematics of low velocity H 2 O maser components Relic AGB envelope or newly developed equatorial flow? Three new aspects in this talk
SiO masers: W43A with VLA, σ~3 mas (Imai et al. 2005) H 2 O masers: W43A; IRAS ; IRAS ; IRAS with VLBA and VERA, σ~0.2 mas (Imai et al. 2005, 2007, 2013, submitted) 1612 MHz OH masers: W43A; IRAS ; IRAS with VLBA and EVN, σ~2 mas (Imai et al. 2005, 2007, 2013, submitted) Astrometry of water fountains Measurement of absolute coordinates and H 2 O maser trigonometry
Trigonometric parallax distances Planning water fountain astrometry with VLBA, VERA (after upgrade or KVN+VERA), and LBA including W43A
Large deviation from Galactic rotation Low galactic latitude: suggesting intermediate-mass, old population IRAS source D [kpc]3.6±0.62.1± R [kpc]4.8±0.56.3± z [pc]7±17± V R [km/s]51±17100± V θ [km/s]169±22286± V z [km/s]-2±20-9± ReferenceImai+2013 (in press) Imai+2013 (submitted) Imai+2007
sourceD [kpc]F 12 [Jy](BC) 12 L bol [L sun ] IRAS IRAS IRAS W 43A IRAS — —5000 IRAS ? ? IRAS IRAS Bolometric luminosities of water fountain sources van der Veen & Breukers 1989 Nakashima et al Really intermediate mass AGB/post-AGB stars?
H2OH2O OH CO J=3→2 emission from IRAS (Imai et al. 2012) Thermal molecular emission from water fountains Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) 10 m telescope See also 12 CO and 13 CO J=2-1 detections by He et al. (2008) and Rizzo et al. (2011).
SHAPE modelling Spherical envelope (+ expanding torus) + collimated jet Gas density ρ(r) Gas clump distribution and relative opacity obtained by Monte-Carlo method simulation Ste ff en et al HST image (Sahai et al. 2005) SHAPE model Model geometry V torus =15 km/s V jet =550 kms
Extremely low 12 C/ 13 C isotopic ratio 12 CO 13 CO SHAPE simulation Estimation of possible absolute opacity with RADEX/LAMDA (van der Tak et al. 2007; Schöier et al. 2005) optically thick 12 CO, but high intensity ratio cannot be explained 12 CO/ 13 CO intensity ratio ~1.5 12 C/ 13 C isotopic ratio~1.3 Hot-bottom burning of nucleosynthesis as found in intermediate-mass AGB/post AGB star
Relic AGB envelope or new equatorial flow? W43A (1994—2005) Low velocity components (V LSR =9—70 km/s), V sys (W43A)~35 km/s
IRAS Maser motions in 2006—2007 (Imai et al. 2013) Short-lived, low-velocity features V exp < 30 km/s 1612 MHz OH maser Double helix jet model (Yung et al. 2011) Systemic motion
V exp (OH)~V exp (H 2 O low)~20 km/s Dynamical centers within 20 AU ΔV sys =10-40 km/s Developed relic AGB envelope IRAS (Imai et al submitted)
Ignition of equatorial flow? V sys ~40 km/s IRAS (Claussen et al. 2009) V exp (H 2 O)~ 180 km/s V exp (OH)~70 km/s See also e.g. OH (Walsh et al. 2009)
Coevolution of jet and equatorial torus/flow with a time lag High velocity H2O masers in WFs Ignition of jet Maser region comparable to MIR/optical lobes Low velocity H2O masers in WFs Shorter t torus indicating association with relic AGB envelope Transition from relic envelope to equatorial torus/flow?
Maser region is really evolving. Recurrent maser excitation Some point symmetry But different feature group spacing between blue- and red-shifted lobes T dyn (maser) < T dyn (jet) or T dyn (envelope) Decadal evolution of the W43A H 2 O masers along the jet (Chong et al. in prep.)
Large deviation of WF sources in the Galactic midplane from Galactic rotation Possible low 12 C/ 13 C intensity ratio suggesting the hot-bottom burning nucleosynthesis in an intermediate-mass AGB star Variety of spatio-kinematics of low-velocity H2O maser components: transition from relic AGB envelope to equatorial flow or independent phenomena? Visible decadal evolution/devolution of WF H2O masers L* derived from maser trigonometry in forthcoming VLBI True t dyn of WF jet and envelope/torus measured with ALMA New WF candidates discovered by unbiased maser surveys (H2O: HOPS, OH: SPLASH & GASKAP) Summary and future perspectives