1 The Significance of Water to Living Organisms Water is of immense importance to all living organisms It is used by them in many different ways These uses can be explained by referring to the properties of water Water is used a coolant – Refer to thermal properties Water is used as a transport medium – Refer to cohesion, solvent properties, and thermal properties Water is used as a habitat – Hydrogen bonding, refer to cohesion, transparency, and thermal properties
2 Polarity and Hydrogen Bonding in Water Water molecules consist of 2 hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom The hydrogen atoms have a slight positive (+) charge and the oxygen atom has a slight negative (-) charge So, water molecules have 2 poles (they are dipoles) – a positive hydrogen pole and a negative oxygen pole This feature of a molecule is called polarity A bond can form between the positive pole of one water molecule and the negative pole of another This is called a hydrogen bond In liquid water, many of these bonds form Hydrogen bonds provide water with much of its basic properties
3 slightly positive charge slightly negative charge hydrogen bond between (+) and (-) areas of different water molecules Water molecules form Hydrogen bonds
4 Thermal Properties: Heat Capacity Water has a high heat capacity This means that large amounts of energy are needed to raise its temp The energy is needed to break one of the hydrogen bonds This heat energy is given out again when the water is cooled The temperature of water tends to remain quite stable This is useful for organisms such as fish that use water as a habitat Blood, which is mainly composed of water, can carry heat from warmer parts of the body to cooler parts
5 The Importance of Ice Floating If ice sank to the bottom of a body of water as it cooled… – Ponds and lakes would freeze up from the bottom – Fish and other organisms would be trapped in the small amount of water that is left – There would be no access to the nutrients are the muddy bottom Ice atop a body of water, insulates the water below – Life persists under the frozen surface
6 Thermal Properties: Boiling and freezing points The boiling point of water is relatively high because to change it from a liquid to a gas all of the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules have to be broken – In natural habitats on Earth, water rarely boils – Living organisms could not survive if the water inside them boiled Water also freezes at a relatively high temperature but because it becomes less dense as it cools to freezing point, ice forms at the surface first – The ice that forms on the surface of lakes or seas insulates the water underneath, so living organisms can survive there
7 Thermal Properties: The Cooling Effect of Evaporation Water can evaporate at temps below boiling point Hydrogen bonds have to be broken to do this The heat energy needed to break the bonds is taken from the liquid water, cooling it down Evaporation of water from plant leaves (transpiration) and from human skin (sweat) has useful cooling effects
8 Cohesion Water molecules stick to each other because of the hydrogen bonds that form between them Strong pulling forces can be exerted to suck columns of water up to the tops of the tallest trees in their transport systems – These columns of water rarely break
9 Trees have specialized structures to transport water: xylem and phloem “plumbing” Water molecules are “dragged” from the roots to the top of the tree by capillary action (adhesion) and cohesion: hydrogen bonds help water molecules hydrogen bond to each other
10 Adhesion refers to attraction to other substances. – Water is adhesive to any substance with which it can form hydrogen bonds. – Think water climbing up capillary tubes… Adhesion
11 Cohesion At a surface, the cohesion of water molecules can make it difficult for small objects to break through – surface tension a measure of the force necessary to stretch or break the surface of a liquid Some animals such as mosquito larvae use the surface of water as a habitat Though they are denser than water they remain on the surface and do not sink because of the high surface tension of water caused by cohesion
12 Solvent Properties Many different substances dissolve in water because of its polarity Inorganic particles such as sodium ions and organic substances such as glucose can dissolve Water’s polarity “pulls” apart the ions of a particular substance (above NaCl). The positive hydrogen ends are attracted to the anions of a substance and the negative oxygen ends are attracted to the cations of a substance
13 Like dissolves like: water can interact with other polar molecules
14 Water transports molecules dissolved in it – Blood, a water-based solution, transports molecules of nutrients and wastes within organisms – Nutrients dissolved in water get transported through plants – Unicellular organisms that live in water absorb needed dissolved substances
15 Transparency The fact that water is clear allows light to pass through it – Aquatic plants can receive sunlight – Light can pass through the eyeball to receptor cells in the back