Building Mobile Augmented Reality Services in Pervasive Computing Environment Hiroaki Kimura Eiji Tokunaga Tatsuo Nakajima Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing Lab. Waseda University, Japan
ICPS ‘06 Lyon1 Motivation - Too-Many-Controllers Problem Disappeared? Control panels of current appliances are difficult to use. Wireless remote controllers are hard to find, easy to lost. As services disappear, controlling them might be more difficult. People must remember too many mappings between controllers and appliances.
ICPS ‘06 Lyon2 Motivation - TUI and Universal Remote Controller Tangible User Interfaces Physical form to digital information Pros: easy to recognize and use Cons: hard to deploy and reconfigure musicBottles (MIT)Gesture with 3D VD (University of Tronto) iCrafter (Stanford Univ.) Pebbles (CMU) Universal Controller Architecture One personal device as a universal controller Pros: easy to deploy and reconfigure Cons: hard to recognize and use
ICPS ‘06 Lyon3 Movie - Vidgets: Virtual Tangible Widgets
ICPS ‘06 Lyon4 Challenges Hardware Developer Size Weight Power Consumption etc. Service Provider Deployability Scalability Reusability High level API etc. User Simple Interaction Style Usability etc.
ICPS ‘06 Lyon5 Design Issues Deployability and Scalability Deploy anytime, anywhere Update or replace easily and cheaply Reusability and High level abstraction Deal with high level user events Simple interaction style Easy to use Short setting up time
ICPS ‘06 Lyon6 Approaches Mobile code Download controlling software automatically from those services to improve deployability Visual tag and Service mapping Weak mappings between tags and services’ code improve deployability Visual tag is representation of invisible service Controlling using real world interaction Provides high level sensor API Reinforces augmented reality Simple interaction cycle Defines three interaction stages Searching, Selecting, Using
ICPS ‘06 Lyon7 Architecture - Overview
ICPS ‘06 Lyon8 Architecture - Sequence
ICPS ‘06 Lyon9 Implementation
ICPS ‘06 Lyon10 Evaluation and Discussion Average size of each mobile code: 14KB Latency of mobile code migration: less than 419ms Divided attention between controllers and services Which view a user should look? The feedback view on the personal device? The application view?
ICPS ‘06 Lyon11 Conclusion We proposed Vidgets which is a research for interaction design and building framework that seamlessly integrates personal devices and pervasive services We implemented a prototype system that confirms the effectiveness of our framework. [Future work] Detailed user studies (for developers, users) Deal with some issues Divided attention Security risks in mobile code Cell phone / PDA implementations
ICPS ‘06 Lyon12 Merci beaucoup! Hiroaki Kimura