ST01 - Introduction 1 Introduction Lecturer: Smilen Dimitrov Sensors Technology – MED4
ST01 - Introduction 2 Introduction Development of computer hardware and technology –Minituarisation –Increase of computing power –Decrease of costs Increase of applications The interaction between the human and computer – a major issue in success of an application Research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
ST01 - Introduction 3 Introduction Basic interaction process (cycle) Human user expresses a command through an action – interaction input Computer processes the input, and calculates a result Result is rendered into media (video and audio) understandable to the human user – feedback – interaction output
ST01 - Introduction 4 Introduction User experience (ease of use, satisfaction) determines the success of a computer system Both interaction input and interaction output are important when evaluating user experience (example: games/playability) Software programming: Interaction output -> rich media –Technological development -> high level software development platforms (Java, Flash, Max/MSP, C# … ) –Language closer to the human problems than machine problems – closer to interaction issues –Relatively easy to initiate media playback (audio / video), which were technologically problematic few decades ago –Basic tool in interaction design
ST01 - Introduction 5 Traditional HCI perspective Need for standardization of an interaction metaphor for widely available computer systems Need for greater efficiency while performing tasks Based around the standard desktop PC with standard input output devices: –Keyboard –Mouse –Monitor –Speakers Development of a standardized metaphor for GUI interaction design solutions: WIMP (windows, icons, menu, pointers) The internal operation of keyboard and mouse as input devices is not discussed as a basis for developing a HCI design – their proper operation is assumed and taken for granted The designers have direct and transparent access to them through their chosen software development platform Goal – to evaluate user experience; to maximize efficiency and ease of use given the limited range of actions the user can make with the interface
ST01 - Introduction 6 Traditional HCI perspective
ST01 - Introduction 7 Development of traditional HCI perspective Traditional HCI based on keyboard / mouse offers a limited range of actions to the user The development of technology – minimization of the PC –Desktop (stationary) –Laptop (portable) –Palmtop (wearable) -> mobile phone The traditional keyboard / mouse interaction metaphor is difficult to implement in smaller devices Research into new and different modes of human computer interaction, allowing a greater range of actions, the user can undertake
ST01 - Introduction 8 Development of traditional HCI perspective New interaction demands from –Minituarisation trends –Performing / stage arts – dance, music, theater –Gaming industry – traditionally in this field, since early days – joystick interaction Extension of the bounds of traditional HCI
ST01 - Introduction 9 Development of traditional HCI perspective Start from realization that keyboard / mouse represent sensing systems New interactive actions for the user – application of different sensors New trends in HCI 1. Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) systems 2. Speech and audio input 3. Gesture-based input 4. Tangible Interfaces or ‘Phicons’ (Physical Icons) 5. Context Aware computing Sensors Technology (ST) answers this perspective: to introduce basic theory and skills, for analysis, construction and utilisation of a simple sensor device – to be used as interaction input device in a larger computer system
ST01 - Introduction 10 Context of ST (model) Report and project issues
ST01 - Introduction 11 Data acquisition Not much focus here – electronic measurements in electronic engineering We use Teleo Intro board as data acquisition board Parameters of interest – number channels, input range, sampling rate and resolution
ST01 - Introduction 12 Context of ST Sensing circuit -> introduction to basic electronic theory (biggest part of ST) –Goal – to build and use the circuit yourself Software programming -> where most of the other semester practices are alpplied. Complex sensors – microphone, video camera –Cannot build them – must build additional simple circuit for the MED4 project. Sensor array / remote sensing Sensor transducer Keyboard / mouse / soundcard at the PC