Europeana Data Exchange Agreements MSEG JUNE 2011
Europeanas Stakeholder Value Proposition Survey 2010
Become THE trusted source for cultural heritage AGGREGATE Expand the networkSource content Improve data quality
FACILITATE Support the cultural heritage sector through knowledge transfer, innovation & advocacy Strengthen advocacy Share knowledge Foster R&D
Make heritage available wherever users are whenever they want it DISTRIBUTE Upgrade portal Develop partnerships Put content in user workflow
Cultivate new ways for users to participate in their cultural heritage ENGAGE
However, current Provider and Aggregator Agreements grant Europeana the right to enable re-use of data outside Europeana only for non-commercial purposes. This means that… However, current Provider and Aggregator Agreements grant Europeana the right to enable re-use of data outside Europeana only for non-commercial purposes. This means that…
Europeana data cannot be published as LOD- full use of the semantic potential of the web is not possible
Europeana API cant be used on partners sites that demonstrate some commercial activity
Europeana API cant be used on cultural blogs that display some commercial activity
Europeana data cannot be shared with Wikipedia as all information posted there needs to be available also for commercial re-use
Europeana API cant be used by commercial companies- ones that could generate income for partners
Europeana API cannot be used for the development of apps by commercial companies including for educational purposes
The Process 5 workshops on risks and rewards of open licenses – one for each domain and one for a mixed group (September 2010-December 2010) Online consultation with the network between December 2010 and January 2011 Lots of useful input processed & discussed in Aggregators workshop (January 17) New version called Data Exchange Agreement endorsed by the CCPA Legal Working Group (April 7) Workshops and presentations (APENET, ATHENA, EFG, EUSCREEN) Second round of consultation with whole network in May DEA based on latest analysis was endorsed by the CCPA Legal Working Group (June 7)and by Europeana Foundation Executive (June 21)
Result of long series of negotiations with content providers & aggregators.
My organization will sign the new DEA (N=104): Overall response clearly positive
My organization will sign the new DEA (data providers N=87): Data providers: positive
My organization will sign the new DEA (data aggregatorsN=49): Data aggregators: slightly less positive
Cross Domain My organization will sign the new DEA (cross domain providers N=18):
My organization will sign the new DEA (libraries N=51): Libraries
Archives (including images and audio-visual) My organization will sign the new DEA (archives N=13):
Museums My organization will sign the new DEA (museums N=14):
104 responses, out of 189 direct contributors 88% of the responses are positive Work still needed with Aggregators, with Museums and with some Ministries on timing and perceived risks Feedback summary
Surprisingly little negative feedback based on out right rejection of the terms established by the CC0 PD dedication (only 4 parties that link their no to their rejection of commercial re-use by third parties) Analysis of detailed Feedback: commercial reuse
Aggregators who have indicated that they will not sign the DEA have qualified this by adding that they are not ready to sign it yet. main reason is that they have not yet been able consult with their partners Encourage them to do so between now and December Develop example arrangements and private workshops. Analysis of detailed feedback: aggregators
One other recurring motivation for a negative response is the perception that the CC0 PD declaration is not legal in the jurisdiction of the provider, which makes it impossible for them to sign the DEA. we might want to publish a position paper or something similar dealing with this particular concern. Some providers have concerns that the CCPA is not a good dispute mediation body. relatively small number, probably no action required. Analysis of detailed feedback: other recurring
The notice and take down procedure and liability disclaimers set out in article 6 are not sufficiently clear for a number of providers. Some providers would favour Europeana immediately complying with requests and look into the merits of the request later. More emphasis on the reason for this is to protect Europeana and its providers against ungrounded takedown requests. Analysis of detailed feedback: Article 6
Based on the feedback received it appears reasonable to proceed with the planned introduction of the new Europeana Data Provider Agreement from September There is no need for substantial changes to the language of the current draft. A final version would contain only a limited number of small changes (Article 6). The time between now and September should be used to address the issues identified in the preceding slides by working on supporting documentation dealing with the legality of CC0, the specific needs of museums and example arrangements for data aggregators. Conclusion:
The Rewards Increased data use & visibility drives traffic to content holders site. Increases Routes to Users. Data can be used where users are- ie in social networks and in users workflows. Providers can still commercially exploit own metadata. Europeana LOD helps populate linked data cloud with trusted, quality resource. Enhances context of information through increased data interlinking. Shows cultural heritage organisations at vanguard of innovation & stimulating digital research. Leads to funding. Enriched data back to provider, for own applications & users. Reinforces relevance of their cultural heritage to new generations.
The Risks Loss of control over the channels of access and of authority Loss of potential income Loss of reputation Loss of branding Loss of context and of the control over the integrity of the data Additional work required …workshop participants acknowledged that rather than real risks, these are fears related to change…
Drops Non-commercial use only (NC) Drops Share-alike restriction (SA) Adopts CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication Uses more appropriate legal wording Uses a standard license which future-proofs and makes Europeana data more compatible with lots of other projects and platforms Combines data provider and data aggregator agreement in one States: « Only give to Europeana what you are comfortable with, ie, no need to provide metadata for complete or all collections » Translations should be marked as translations and linked to original metadata Main changes
Metadata related to the digitised objects produced by the cultural institutions should be widely and freely available for re-use. Key recommendations, p5
40 Public Sector Data - Changing Expectations The advent of the Web accelerated the development of a collaboration culture & fostered an expectation that information, metadata & content should be as freely available as the Internet itself Many wider benefit arguments have been advanced for public bodies to make their data freely available 2009 saw an increasing Government commitment to the principle of opening up public data for wider re-use. The Putting the Frontline First: smarter government report requires the majority of government- published information to be reusable, linked data by June 2011Putting the Frontline First: smarter government Benefit for stateBenefit for public body Stimulation of knowledge economy will generate tax revenue, business opportunities & jobs via innovation Public sector information is an underexploited resource & governments should maximise state benefits from their initial investment Encourages diversity of resources – no single supplier can create all services or content Taxpayers have already paid once for data creation, why pay again? Minimal development required since the data is already created Possible data cleanup for re-harvesting by organisation User generated or added linked content may enhance internal data Offers free R&D & Management Information opportunities New opportunities for collaboration to assist internal efficiencies Increased reputation/relevance seen as inclusive community partner Opportunities to offer new value added services on back of free offering
Related Europeana activities
Europeana Linked Open Data Pilot Asked for volunteers from those already delivering metadata to Europeana. So far 20 joined – word of mouth & a couple of direct s 2,5-3m records coming from national libraries, archives, museums (mainly via the Swedish Open Heritage aggregator) and film archives Pilot to go live in June Proof that nothing bad will happen Proof, maybe, that new things can happen
Digital Agenda Day API Hackathons Hack4Europe! What: Hackathon roadshow in 4 cities (Barcelona, London, Poznan, Stockholm) 120 developers, 18 million objects (all through API/some through LOD), 48 hours of coding When: 7-11 June Why: to showcase the social and commercial value of open cultural data Results will be presented at the Digital Agenda Assembly in Brussels, June 16. Prizes will be awarded by Commissioner Ms. Neelie Kroes
Whats next? Respond to the 2nd round of Consultation with the Europeana network (may 2011) Get informed via the Data Exchange Agreement pages! Sign from September onwards!