First Baptist Church
Need to bring something to the Trustees attention?? Grab one of these and fill it out. They can be found on the old communion table by the coat rack.
Food Donations Needed No Expired Cans please - They will be thrown out!
Family Event Eby Pines skate and Laser Tag When: November 30 th Where: Meet at church at 1pm get back 6pm. Cost: $10 for anyone participating Cost: $2 Tag along on the bus Sign-up: Info Bulletin Board
Youth: Polar Bear Swim Fundraiser Dec 7 th Are you Brave enough??
Nov. 30 th Students Arrive at 9:00 am
All Cell Phones Off or Muted Please
Board Meetings Deacon’s: 1st Wednesday 6:30pm Deaconesses: 1st Wednesday 6:00pm Christian Ed: 2 nd Wednesday at 6:00pm Trustees: 3 rd Sunday at 12:00pm Church Council: 4 th Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Thanksgiving Dinner November 20 – 6 PM Worship Service After the Dinner
Silent Auction Thursday, November 20th Thru Sunday, November 23rd Proceeds Going to M & M Offering
Christmas Angel Tree Project for 2014 Christmas is just around the corner. You will be able to pick your angel on 11/23 or 11/30. Please return the wrapped package with the angel taped to the gift by December 14.
Children’s Christmas Program at First Baptist Church December 14 – 10:30 AM
Choir Christmas Cantata December 21 st, 10:30 AM
Christmas Eve Service 7:00 PM