Background IWSA was formed in 2007 to represent the interests and support the development of 24 independent water schemes Non-Government Organisation Supported under the EU – financed Water Sector Support Programme (WaSSP) Full-time Programme Officer hired in 2008 & technical officer hired in Feb 2010 Office space provided by the Ministry of Women and Community Development
Who are we? Represent and support 31 independent water schemes covering 53 villages IWS provide water to 32,000 people in Samoa (approx 17% of total population) Water schemes vary in size from between 15 to 400 household connections Self-managed by local personnel selected by their communities
Why did we form an Association? To fight for formal recognition of the role of IWS To work together to solve problems & learn from each other To access support from Government and donors
Constitution of IWSA? Executive Committee has 11 member: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 7 other members. IWSA has 31 paid members and 4 others who would like to join.
IWS Intakes
IWS Present Conditions
What have we achieved? Training Worked with Government and SUNGO to design and deliver a one week training programme to each member IWS Covering committee organisation, planning, communication, fee collection, book keeping, maintenance, water shed management and water safety issues.
2. Data collection on IWS Information collected from a baseline survey and update during training and follow-up visits Information on committee structure, fee collection, number of households, source of water, water quality, problems, etc Set up simple database to monitor progress and facilitated decision-making
3. Water quality monitoring Worked with MoH to introduce regular programme of water quality monitoring for IWS Introduction of H2S testing by MOH to train villagers so they can test their own water Increased awareness of the health risks of poor quality water
4. Recognition of role of IWS Recognition in Government’s draft Water Services Policy of the role of IWS in water service delivery Proposal for future Government funding to support the role of IWSA and to invest in rehabilitation of independent water schemes.
5. Technical design support and funding for rehabilitation Funding from EU/WaSSP for technical review and design of priorities for rehabilitation/ improved water quality of IWS Schemes must demonstrate improved management with set criteria to access support: fee collection, regular meetings, female participation on Water Committee, etc. IWS contribute 10% of cost and unskilled labour + plumbers to work with contractor
Work in Progress
Work in Progress
Current Programme Tender launched for 1st intervention support for 5 IWS. Works undertaken to be completed by June 2010 Signed MoUs with each participating IWS
Future Challenges Production of manual for IWS with all the lessons learnt from the training programme Training for IWS plumbers on maintenance Continue to reinforce training on financial management Strengthening dialogue and developing constructive relationship with SWA Ensuring sustainability of independent IWSA
Future Challenges (cont’d) Development of contract with Government (MWCSD) for funding Providing appropriate technical support for well-managed schemes (design and supervision) Introducing water safety planning Finalise and implement Water Services Policy – MOU with SWA and drafting community water services bill.
Future Challenges (cont’d) CHANGING ATTITUDES - Water is not free!
Comments: Water is free but not from the pipes What is the budget for subsidy from the government? Community contribution is 10%, government (through SBS) 90%. Many schemes are very old, run by the villages themselves Is the budget for rehabilitation or O&M? Only for rehabilitation, O&M costs unknown – budgeting for O&M is something new for the communities, in the past maintenance was done by the villages themselves. The chiefs and oratators encourage contributions for major repairs e.g. after cyclone damage. Now government is stepping in and undertaking more extensive upgrading. 10 T/m/ year/ family is tariff because the costs are kept low but it is still not enough. What is important is that there is a system for regular payment of fees and a governance structure Does the tariff recover enough to run SWA? From 1994 revenue of 100,000 per year; now more than 1 million per year
Comments Sometimes there is higher charge for more taps. (2 tala per tap per family per month) – it depends on the situation The regular tariff is supplemented by periodic fund raising SWA would have made a profit without depreciation last year. Cost recovery by tariffs alone in rural areas in atolls