1 Vision of the Construction Industry towards 2030 and beyond Jean-Pierre Hamelin Soletanche Bachy ECTP : FA Quality of Life, Rapporteur of the SRA
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 2 Environment and ….. Foret de Carnelles, France
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 3 Built Environment Of the global energy consumption, 75% occurs in cities and 80% of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions emanate from cities. Indeed, climate change and urbanization are inseparable. And if cities are part of the problem, they are therefore inevitably part of the solution. Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, 11/05/2007
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 4 Built Environment Housing … Offices, Schools, Industrial Facilities Infrastructure
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 5 A major impact on environment In operation Consumption of energy, water CO2 production Impacts on soil, groundwater, biodiversity … and very long service life Long / very long term effects Necessity to maintain/upgrade existing stock
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 6 A major impact on environment During construction / maintenance / end of life : …. same plus : Minerals consumption ( > 50% of extracted materials) Waste production ( 180 Million t / year ) Site related nuisances ( traffic, noise, etc)
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 7 A major contribution to environment Providing the infrastructure of sustainability Energy efficient housing Efficient networks, etc.. Protection / Remediation of natural resources : Water / groundwater, land Waste recycling
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 8 A major contribution to environment Prevention Mitigation of Natural Hazards Man-Made Hazards
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 9 Construction in Europe - Key Figures (source : FIEC – – annual report 2007) Estimated construction investment (EU ) : 1196 billion 10,4 % of GDP 50,5 % of Gross fixed Capital Formation 2,7 million enterprises, of which 95% are SMEs with fewer than 20 and 93% with fewer than 10 operatives 15,2 million operatives 7,2 % of Europe`s total employment 30,4 % of industrial employment 26 million workers in the EU depend, directly or indirectly, on the construction sector Biggest industrial employer in Europe
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 10 Repartition of activities (source : FIEC – ) 26 % - Housebuilding Individual dwellings, apartment blocks, social housing schemes 31 % - Non-residential Offices, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings, educational establishments 20% - Civil engineering Roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, hydraulic structures, … 23% - Rehabilitation and Maintenance Repair, extension, maintenance of Dwellings, non residential buildings, …
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 11 The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) An initiative to mobilise the Construction Sector, fully supported by the EC. An industrial driven platform with Industrial commitment; Contribution of all stakeholders. New strategies on R&D&I to improve competitiveness and satisfy societal needs.
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 12 HLG ( Bouygues ) Secretariat ( CSTB ) SG (Dragados) National TPs (24+6 countries) Focus Areas : Underground construction, cities & buildings, networks, cultural heritage, materials, quality of life, processes & ICT. Plenary Assembly Nov.19-20, 2007 ~1000 members Mirror Group AG (clients & users) AG (SMEs) EurekaBuild WG Standardization WG Research Infrastructures ECTP
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 14 National Technology Platforms 1.Poland 2.Finland 3. Netherlands 4. Spain 5.Slovenia 6.Sweden 7. Denmark 8.France 9.Greece 10.Germany 11. UK 12. Croatia 13. Norway 14. Belgium 15. Austria 16. Lithuania 17. Czech Rep. 18. Switzerland 19. Cyprus 20. Italy 21.Romania 22. Portugal 23. Ireland 24. Turkey 25. Latvia 26. Slovakia 27. Hungary 28. Luxembourg 29. Ukraine 30. Estonia
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 15 ECTP Vision 2030 ( 25 / 02 / 2005 ) Challenging and Changing Europes built environment
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 16 ECTP Strategic Research Agenda ( 23 / 12 / 2005 ) Achieving a Sustainable and Competitive Construction Sector Research priorities Meeting client/users requirements Becoming sustainable Transformation of the construction sector
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 17 SRA 2030 Meeting Client Requirements Becoming Sustainable Transformation Of The Construction Sector Comfort, Health for All Cities Mobility and Supply Environment Networks Cultural Heritage Natural & Man-Made Hazards Client-driven Knowledge based High Tech Objectives SOCIETY ENVIRONMENTECONOMY
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 18 SRA 2030 Meeting Client Requirements Becoming Sustainable Transformation Of The Construction Sector Indoor Environment New Image of Cities Using Underground Space Mobility and Supply Energy and Resources Reduce Environmental Impact Transport & Utility Networks Cultural Heritage Safety and Security New Construction Process ICT & Automation High Added Value Materials Attractive Workplaces Research areas
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 19 ATechnologies for Healthy, Safe, Accessible and Stimulating Indoor Environments for All BInnovative Use of Underground Space CNew Technologies, Concepts and High-tech Materials for Efficient and Clean Buildings DReduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of Built Environment and Cities ESustainable Management of Transports and Utilities Networks FA Living Cultural Heritage for an Attractive Europe GImprove Safety and Security within the Construction Sector HNew Integrated Processes for the Construction Sector IHigh Added Value Construction Materials SRA Implementation Action Plan
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 20 SRA IAP ( ) Consultation processes May 4: Comments from ECTP, NTPs, IP coordinators, EurekaBuild, Erabuild, Eccredi, Encord, …. Deadlines May 23: Approval by SG June 20: Endorsement by HLG
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 21 Barriers to Innovation The complexity of construction outputs The number and range of interests involved in a construction project The lack of performance-based competition A focus on initial costs Short-term relationships The high proportion of small firms Lack of adequate skills and training The long-term consequences of failure Regulations and standards.
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 22 JTI – E2B Energy Efficient Buildings More efficient building envelope Better equipment and systems Larger integration of renewable energies Change collective and individual behaviour Leaders : Acciona, Bouygues
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 23 Lead Markets EC Initiative to develop an approach on regulatory, standardization, public procurement and other policy instruments to markets more innovation-friendly and an economic reality
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 24 Lead Market on Energy Efficient Buildings New buildings / retrofit buildings A huge market -> 220 Million European people Addressing many technologies Clients oriented energy services (Energy performance contracting) Draft by Inter-ETP group (7 ETPs) ECTP, ESTEP, ESTTP, Forest, HFP, PV, Suschem
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry 25 Lead Market on Sustainable Construction DG Enterprise and Task Force Rational use of natural resources: Energy Water Materials Users convenience and welfare: Accessibility Safety & security Indoor air quality
STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA Vision of Construction Industry : European Construction is a Pioneer of Sustainability A new approach : Knowledge and demand-driven Striving for sustainability An opportunity for Europe to pioneer ECTP is committed to coordinate the effort