Medical Image Analysis Image Enhancement Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, 2003.
Spatial Domain Methods Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Spatial domain methods ◦ Pixel-by-pixel transformation ◦ Histogram statistics ◦ Neighborhood operations ◦ Faster than frequency filtering Frequency filtering ◦ Better when the characteristic frequency components of the noise and features of interest are available
Histogram Transformation Histogram Histogram equalization
Figure 6.1. An X-ray CT image (top left) and T-2 weighted proton density image (top right) of human brain cross-sections with their respective histograms at the bottom. The MR image shows a brain lesion.
Figure 6.2. Histogram equalized images of the brain MR images shown in Figure 6.1 (top) and their histograms (bottom).
Histogram Modification Scaling Histogram modification
Histogram Modification Histogram modification ◦ Target histogram:
Image Averaging Averaging ◦ Enhancing signal-to-noise ratio
Image Subtraction Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Subtraction ◦ Enhance the information about the changes in imaging conditions ◦ Angiography: The anatomy with vascular structure is obtained first. An appropriate dye or tracer drug is then administered in the body, where it flows through the vascular structure. A second image of the same anatomy is acquired at the peak of the tracer flow.
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.3. An MR angiography image obtained through image subtraction method.
Neighborhood Operations Use a weight mask
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, f (-1,0) f (0,-1) f (0,0) f (0,1) f (1,0) f (-1,-1) f (-1,0) f (0,-1) f (0,0) f (0,1) f (0,-1) f (1,0) f (1,1) Figure 6.4: A 4-connected (left) and 8-connected neighborhood of a pixel f(0,0).
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.5. A weighted averaging mask for image smoothing. The mask is used with a scaling factor of 1/16 that is multiplied to the values obtained by convolution of the mask with the image [Equation 6.11].
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.6. Smoothed image of the MR brain image shown in Figure 6.1 as a result of the spatial filtering using the weighted averaging mask shown in Figure 6.5.
Median Filter Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Median filter ◦ Order-statistics filter
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.7. The smoothed MR brain image obtained by spatial filtering using the median filter method over a fixed neighborhood of 3x3 pixels.
Adaptive Arithmetic Mean Filter Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Adaptive ◦ If the noise variance of the image is similar to the variance of gray values in the specified neighborhood of pixels,, the filter provides an arithmetic mean value of the neighborhood
Image Sharpening and Edge Enhancement Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Sobel ◦ The first-order gradient in and directions defined by and
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.8. Weight masks for first derivative operator known as Sobel. The mask at the left is for computing gradient in the x-direction while the mask at the right computes the gradient in the y direction.
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.9. Weight masks for computing first-order gradient in (clockwise from top left) in horizontal, 45 deg, vertical and 135 deg directions.
Image Sharpening and Edge Enhancement Laplacian ◦ The second-order dirivative operator ◦ Edge-based image enhancement
(a) (b) Figure (a) A Laplacian weight mask using 4-connected neighborrhod pixels only; (b) A laplacian weight mask with all neighbors in a window of 3x3 pixels; and (c) the resultant second- order gradient image obtained using the mask in (a).
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure Laplacian based image enhancement weight mask with diagonal neighbors and the resultant enhanced image with emphasis on second-order gradient information.
Feature Enhancement Using Adaptive Neighborhood Processing Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Three types of adaptive neighborhoods ◦ Constant ratio: an inner neighborhood of size and an outer neighborhood of size ◦ Constant difference: the outer neighborhood of size ◦ Feature adaptive
Feature Enhancement Using Adaptive Neighborhood Processing Feature adaptive ◦ Center region: consisting of pixels forming the feature ◦ Surround region: consisting of pixels forming the background ◦ 1. The local contrast. : the average of the Center region. : the average of the Surround region
Feature Enhancement Using Adaptive Neighborhood Processing Feature adaptive ◦ 2. The Contrast Enhancement Function (CEF) : modify the contrast distribution by the contrast histogram ◦ 3. The enhanced image
Feature Enhancement Using Adaptive Neighborhood Processing Feature adaptive ◦ 3. The enhanced image
Figure Region growing for a feature adaptive neighborhood: image pixel values in a 7x7 neighborhood (left) and Central and Surround regions for the feature adaptive neighborhood. XcXc XcXc Center Region Surround Region
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure (a) A part of a digitized breast film-mammogram with microcalcification areas. (b): Enhanced image through feature adaptive contrast enhancement algorithm. (c): Enhanced image through histogram equalization method. (a) (b)
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, (c) Figure (a) A part of a digitized breast film-mammogram with microcalcification areas. (b): Enhanced image through feature adaptive contrast enhancement algorithm. (c): Enhanced image through histogram equalization method.
Frequency Domain Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, : an acquired image : the object : a Point Spread Function (PSF) : additive noise
Frequency Domain Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, The Fourier transform Inverse filtering
Wiener Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, : the power spectrum of the signal : the power spectrum of the noise
Wiener Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, : if it is white noise
Constrained Least Square Filtering Acquired image Optimization Subject to the smoothness constraint
Constrained Least Square Filtering The estimated image
Low-Pass Filtering Ideal ◦ : the frequency cut-off value ◦ : the distance of a point in the Fourier domain from the origin representing the dc value
Low-Pass Filtering Reduce ringing artifacts ◦ Butterworth or Gaussian Butterworth Gaussian
Figure 6.14: From top left clockwise: A low-pass filter function H(u,v) in the Fourier domain, the low-pass filtered MR brain image, the Fourier transform of the original MR brain image shown in Figure 6.1, and the Fourier transform of the low-pass filtered MR brain image
High-Pass Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, High-pass filtering ◦ Image sharpening and extraction of high- frequency information ◦ Edges Ideal
High-Pass Filtering Reduce ringing artifacts ◦ Butterworth or Gaussian Butterworth Gaussian
Figure 6.15: From top left clockwise: A high-pass filter function H(u,v) in the Fourier domain, the high-pass filtered MR brain image, and the Fourier transform of the high-pass filtered MR brain image.
Homomorphic Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, : illumination : reflectance In general
Homomorphic Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Frequency filtering in the logarithmic transform domain
Homomorphic Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, 2003.
ln FT H(u,v ) IFTexp Figure A schematic block diagram of homomorphic filtering.
Homomorphic Filtering Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, An example ◦ and components can represent, respectively, low- and high- frequency components ◦ A circularly symmetric homomorphic filter function
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, HH LL H(u,v) D(u,v) Figure 6.17: A circularly symmetric filter function for Homomorphic filtering.
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure 6.18 The enhanced MR image obtained by Homomorphic filtering using the circularly symmetric function in Equation 3.43.
Wavelet Transform for Image Processing Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, 2003.
Figure (a) A multi-resolution signal decomposition using Wavelet transform and (b) the reconstruction of the signal from Wavelet transform coefficients. x[n]x[n]X (1) [2k+1] (a) (b) X (1) [2k] X (2) [2k+1] X (2) [2k] X (3) [2k+1] X (3) [2k] X (3) [2k+1] X (3) [2k] X (2) [2k+1] X (1) [2k+1]
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure Multiresolution decomposition of an image using the Wavelet transform.
Figure The least asymmetric wavelet with eight coefficients.
Figure Three-level wavelet decomposition of the MR brain image shown in Figure 6.1.
Figure The MR brain image of Figure 6.1 reconstructed from the low-low frequency band using the wavelet decomposition shown in Figure 6.21.
Figures come from the textbook: Medical Image Analysis, by Atam P. Dhawan, IEEE Press, Figure The MR brain image of Figure 6.1 reconstructed from the low-high, high-low and high-high frequency bands using the wavelet decomposition shown in Figure 6.21.