New Skills for new Jobs A strategy for the Chemical industry Manuel Hubert Unit New Skills for New Jobs, Adaptation to Change, CSR, EGF Brussels 10 February.


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Presentation transcript:

New Skills for new Jobs A strategy for the Chemical industry Manuel Hubert Unit New Skills for New Jobs, Adaptation to Change, CSR, EGF Brussels 10 February 2011

23 million Europeans still jobless

Why do we need to reach 75% employment by 2020?

For a sound future EU social model: More people need to work

New Skills and Jobs: 4 key areas of focus Better functioning of EU labour markets & flexicurity Right skills for right jobs Improving the quality of work and working conditions Creating jobs

Skills Gap Skills people have often don t match skills needed to get jobs Jobs becoming more knowledge- and skills- intensive: by % of all jobs will require high-level qualifications Lack of qualified people in STEM sector crucial for innovation

More jobs for the better qualified

To achieve the right mix of skills… EU Skills Panorama – analysis of skills needed European Skills, Competences and Occupations classification (ESCO) Reforming the systems for the recognition of professional qualifications Second phase of the Common Agenda for Integration of third country nationals Enforcement of rights of EU migrant workers

Future skills needs in the chemical industry Study conducted in 2008 Make a case for human resources key to competitiveness and anticipation of needs Prospective analysis with scenarios Potential skills gap for technical functions Need concerted effort by all stakeholders

EU Sector Skills Councils Decision, leadership and steering by sectors representatives Initial scope: information exchange and dialogue Collaborate With other EU initiatives Network of existing national/regional observatories Involvement from representatives of education and training providers

EU sector councils - Tasks and remits Quantitative & Qualitative trends Tools, processes, strategies Recommendations Analysis/ discussion information collected 2/3 meetings & Annual conference Proposals EU qualification and competence standards Coordinated research EU sector councils European strategies to make sector more attractive

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