ASMS-TF ASMS-TF The Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF Vice-Chairman DEIS/ARCES – University of Bologna.


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Presentation transcript:

ASMS-TF ASMS-TF The Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF Vice-Chairman DEIS/ARCES – University of Bologna EMPS 2002 – Baveno, Sep , 2002

2 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza Mobile SatComs in the 1990s The days of enthusiasm: mass market MSS systems Generally based on LEO, MEO, HEO constellations Very large investments Technical achievements: Medium-scale manufacturing of satellites Large satellite constellations launch and management Commercial, regulatory, and standards issues: Business cases scaled on millions of users Terminals size, cost, and availability Tariffs and regulatory aspects Lack of a widespread common standard to ensure large market base On-going success stories: Niche (high-value) markets: maritime, aeronautics, land transportation, emergency networks, GSM/GPRS over satellite systems Quest for a strong, coordinated approach for the 2000s

3 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF: Foundation ASMS-TF: born from a joint intiative of the European Commission (EC) and of the European Space Agency (ESA) Inaugural meeting: 1-2 March 2001, ESTEC, Noordwijk Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 1.Mission statement 2.Objectives 3.Programme of work 4.Task force structure Mission The Task Force is an industry-led, independent body, uniquely committed through the building of cross-industry consensus to the successful introduction and development of advanced mobile satellite communications systems and services (including 3G and beyond). 5.Task force membership 6.Working procedures 7.Group deliverables 8.Intellectual property rights

4 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF: Objectives To develop a vision for ASMS systems and their role in future communication networks To promote the growth of satellite mobile systems To identify business opportunities arising from convergence of satellite mobile systems with other networks To develop a co-ordinated approach on regulatory aspects to facilitate market access, licensing and the availability of adequate spectrum To support the co-ordination of on-going and future research and development efforts, and to provide inputs to EC, ESA and others in support of future satellite mobile development To assess the markets for advanced satellite mobile systems, identify user requirements, and develop relevant business models To identify the technological requirements for advanced satellite mobile systems, taking into account the convergence of satellite mobile and with other networks such as mobile cellular, packet data (internet, messaging), navigation and broadcasting To identify the standards needed to ensure the development of advanced satellite mobile systems, and to facilitate the convergence with other networks To provide a forum to consolidate the results of relevant EC and ESA sponsored projects, to identify common interests, and possible areas for co-operation

5 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF: Structure STRUCTURE: Steering Panel and 6 Working Groups Steering Panel –Chairman: Emanuele DAndria (Telespazio) –Vicechairman: Giovanni E. Corazza (University of Bologna) WG1 - R&D [Lead by University of Bologna] –OBJECTIVE: Confirm the technical programme for the near term scenario and ensure that the R&D requirements for the long term are actioned WG2 - Markets [Lead by ASPI] –OBJECTIVE: Develop the market opportunities identified in the ASMS-TF Vision Document WG3 - Trials [Lead by ASPI] –OBJECTIVE: Develop a practical programme of trials and demonstrations WG4 - Regulation [Lead by Telespazio] –OBJECTIVE: Address the regulatory barriers to the development and implementation of Advanced Mobile Services WG5 - Standards [Lead by Teledesic] –OBJECTIVE: Establish and implement a strategy on Standards WG6 - Publicity [Lead by Inmarsat] –OBJECTIVE: Develop external relations and outside recognition of ASMS-TF

6 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza Advisors European Commission (EC) European Space Agency (ESA) Full members (as of July 12, 2002): Agilent Technologies Belgium Alcatel Bell Space N.V. Alcatel Space Industries Alenia Spazio Ascom Systec AG Astrium S.A.S. Astrium GmbH Centro Ricerche Fiat CNES Connexion by Boeing DaimlerChrysler AG DLR (Institute of Communications & Navigation) EADS ELSACOM S.p.A. ESYS plc Eutelsat Fokker Space B.V. France Telecom R&D Global Radio S.A. Hispasat Hughes Network Systems IABG ICO Global Comms Indra Espacio Inmarsat Limited INTEGRASYS S.A. Italian Space Agency (ASI) Laben S.p.A. MAGNA MI Developments Austria AG & Co KG Nera Satcom Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine QinetiQ Ltd. Radiocommunications Agency (UK) SAIT-STENTO SES Global Space Engineering S.p.A. Space Hellas Telecom Italia Lab S.p.A. Teledesic Communications Spain, S.L. Telenor Broadband Telespazio S.p.A. Thrane & Thrane Thuraya Satellite University of Bologna University of Bradford University of Rome "La Sapienza" University of Rome "Tor Vergata" University of Surrey ASMS-TF: Membership 49 …and counting! INCLUDING: manufacturers, operators, service providers, research organisations, academic institutions, mobile industry specialists, agencies

7 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF: Achievements Forum: 9 meetings in 1.5 years (next: Copenhagen, Nov. 7-8, 2002), average attendance persons Documents: ASMS-TF Vision Document ASMS-TF Report on Technology Direction and R&D Requirements ASMS-TF Commercial Report ASMS-TF Satellite Mobile System Architecture Report Interaction and liaison with SAP REG (Satellite Action Plan Regul. Group) Support to Joint ESA/EC Task Force Protection of 2.5/2.6 GHz MSS spectrum allocation (ECC/ERO) FP6: Call for Ideas, Expression of Interest (OSMOSYS)

8 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza OSMOSYS Description OSMOSYS is a proposal for an FP6 Integrated Project encompassing all aspects of mobile satellite communications, open to and integrated with other networks for mobile/fixed service provision, such as satellite/terrestrial broadcasting systems, satellite navigation/positioning systems, fixed satellite broadband systems, terrestrial cellular systems Duration OSMOSYS will cover the period (FP6) Ranking OSMOSYS ranked high in the EoI classification, mainly due to critical mass and ambition Rationale FP6 will fund significantly fewer projects than FP5 Proposal success rate will be very low Real resource/capability integration is a must The Task Force is the ideal forum for integrated project incubation The OSMOSYS drafting group will meet on Oct 9 in Bologna (Italy)

9 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF: Current Priorities R&D Develop innovative technology solutions through R&D activities co-ordinated with relevant EC and ESA programmes. ESA - ARTES CFI: respond by Sep. 30 EC - IST 2002 (Nov 4-6): participate to the Networking in the sky session Regulatory actions: Retention & utilisation of current MSS & SDAB allocations; extension of current L Band MSS allocation; forecasting longer term spectrum requirements. Standards: Ensuring that standards development activity allows for the satellite dimension, and that standards are open. Markets & business Demonstrate the advanced mobile satcom business case. System architecture Combine broadcast, point-to-point and navigation systems to provide a complete range of mobile services (e.g. for personal users, vehicle telematics applications, 3G terrestrial networks). Publicity Develope awareness of future mobile satellite capabilities; engaging with interested players (e.g. terrestrial network operators, vehicle manufacturers).

10 EMPS 2002, September 25-26, 2002 Task Force on Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Prof. Giovanni E. Corazza ASMS-TF on-line ASMS-TF ASMS-TF website: Available documents: ASMS-TF Vision Document ASMS-TF Report on Technology Direction and R&D Requirements ASMS-TF Satellite Mobile System Architecture Report ASMS-TF MoU …this presentation