PhaseAppearance Diagram New Sun Earth 1
PhaseAppearance Diagram Waxing Crescent Sun Earth 2
PhaseAppearance Diagram First Quarter Sun Earth 3
PhaseAppearance Diagram Waxing Gibbous Sun Earth 4
PhaseAppearance Diagram Full Sun Earth 5
PhaseAppearance Diagram Waning Gibbous Sun Earth 6
PhaseAppearance Diagram Last Quarter Sun Earth 7
PhaseAppearance Diagram Waning Cresent Sun Earth 8
New First Quarter Waxing Gibbous Full Waning Gibbous Last/Third Quarter Waning Crescent Waxing Crescent
B A D C 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ Earth Sun New Wax Crescent First Quarter Wax Gibbous Full Waning Gibbous Last / Third Quarter Waning Crescent
13. You wake up at 3:00am to get a drink of water. You look out the kitchen window and see the above gibbous moon high in the southern sky. Is this possible or is it a hallucination from the bucket of ATOMIC HOT WINGS you had for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner? BUT This is Orion’s belt so it is morning BUT
20. What does the moon look like at 3:00 am?
If you see this moon in the East it has to be? am or pm am