The Sound Sense Vibe
Outline Motivation for project Roles in project System Overview High level system design Business Case Project Details What Was Learned Future Work Conclusions Questions
Motivation for project ~ 6.5 million deaf people in North America. Strong market for solutions. Improving safety of the deaf via environmental awareness
JOHNSON Pre-amplifier soldering and modification Revised design of signal conditioning amplifier PWM motor driver design Microphone “Shot Gun” enclosure Vibrating motors enclosure Hardware testing and wiring Signal cable construction PWM ISR instruction code Draft of A/D conversion ISR instruction code
PATRICK Majority of Software A/D Capture & Summation ISR Main Program Loop Some PWM ISR Work Amplification Stage Requirements & Testing Armband concept and creation High-level project design, requirements and testing
MIKE Design and testing of the amp circuit Soldering of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) driver circuit Post mortem Half of presentation
System Overview The Sound Sense Vibe consists of four major components: Microphone array Signal Conditioning Unit Microcontroller & Software Vibrating motor array
System overview Microphones capture the audio Signal Conditioning Circuit (pre-amp and amp) prepares signal for A/D converter Microcontroller A/D converter digitizes signal Software determines whether motor should be activated or not Microcontroller Output port activates/deactivates motor
High level system design
Signal Acquisition Four unidirectional microphones Noise filtering Pre-Amplification Output signal 0.7 V
Signal Conditioning Amplification Output is from -2.5V to 2.5V Level shifting Output is from 0 V to 5 V Variable resistor Variable DC offset Enhanced stability Ensures proper output shifting
Signal Processing 10 KHz sampling rate Approximate signal integration to find signal power for a fixed window Use this power and a threshold to determine if a motor should be on/off during window period
Actuator Interface Four vibrating motors Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) driver. PWM signals drive transistor into saturation Power to motor controlled by pulse bandwidth Current limiting resistor Diode preventing startup spikes.
Business case Competition Cost Market
Competition Cochlear implants Hearing Aids Alert Devices Multi-Purpose Alert Devices
Cochlear implants Direct connection between nerve endings in the brain and the hearing aid. Advantages: Users can regain the ability to understand speech Device completely bypasses possibly damaged inner ear and cochlea works Even in cases of profound deafness Mobile Disadvantages: Very expensive ($60,000+). Requires rehab to refamiliarize user with sounds Cannot fully reproduce sounds Only some deaf people are suitable candidates.
Hearing Aids Amplifies sound for the ear most common device for the hearing impaired. Advantages: compensates for the gradual decay of hearing widely available Mobile Disadvantages: Cannot help those with profound deafness Still moderately expensive ($300+)
Alert Devices Alarm triggers receiver which notifies user via vibration or lights. Advantages: Fairly Cheap Ensures the user is alerted to specific events Disadvantages: Non-mobile (limited to the domicile) Requires replacement of existing doorbells/fire alarms/alarm clocks
Multi-Purpose Alert Devices Programmable to recognize certain noises and alerts user. Advantages: Priced between hearing aids and general alert devices Can be trained to recognize events for alerting Mobile Disadvantages: Rare (not available anywhere on market in large volumes) Can be difficult to setup
Cost The total cost of all components in our project was ~$300 (see budget for more info) Final miniaturized version should still be sub $500 Comparable to a hearing aid
Market Our product fits into a unique area not covered by any competing products TARGET: profoundly deaf not suitable for hearing aids cannot afford cochlear implants not suitable patients for the surgery. Workers in high noise environments (Airport tarmac workers, etc.)
Project Details Project Budget: Stayed fairly close to original budget Amplifier stages were not foreseen ItemEstimatedActual Uni-Directional Microphones $30$16 Pre-AmplifierN/A$20 Signal AmplifierN/A$10 Vibrating Motor$20$18 68HC11 Micro-controller DEVL. Board Free Arm Attachment$20$16 Misc. Expenses (Shipping etc) N/A$10 Total:$70$90
What Was Learned Plan Carefully Test early and frequently Integration never works the first time Even simple signal processing can be difficult
Future Work Add calibration UI Better positional performance Miniaturization Better armband for comfort and feedback prevention
Conclusions Accomplished a lot in a small amount of time Heavy limitations in terms of time and resources Good proof of concept device performs what we hoped it would Project provided a good combination of disciplines: electronics, real-time embedded programming, signal processing, usability