Vocabulary 26. Waxing—The “lit” part of the moon is getting bigger! (Darkside is on the left!) 27. Waning—The “lit” is getting smaller! (Darkside is on the right!)
Moon Phases Draw and label these carefully! Pay attention to detail! New Moon
Moon Phases Waxing Crescent
Moon Phases First Quarter
Moon Phases Waxing Gibbous
Moon Phases Full Moon
Moon Phases Waning Gibbous
Moon Phases Third Quarter
Moon Phases Waning Crescent What comes next - ????
Moon Phases Waning Crescent What comes next - ???? New moon!
Gibbous vs Crescent
Lunar Cycle: Number of days for rotation - ???
Lunar Cycle: Number of days for rotation - 29.5 Number of days for revolution – ????
Lunar Cycle: Number of days for rotation - 29.5 Number of days for revolution – 29.5
Lunar Cycle: Number of days for rotation - 29.5 Number of days for revolution – 29.5 We always see the same side of the moon – T/F ???
Lunar Cycle: Number of days for rotation - 29.5 Number of days for revolution – 29.5 We always see the same side of the moon – True
Where did the moon come from? Class read. Page 40.
Why does the Earth not spin around the moon. If the moon pulls on the earth as strongly as the earth pulls on the moon,y doesn't the earth circle the moon? They both do rotate around a central point. This point is 900 miles under the surface of the Earth called the barycenter.
Why does the Earth not spin around the moon cont. According the Newton's third law, the Moon exerts a force on the Earth and the Earth exerts an equal and opposite force on the Moon. The Moon is more heavily influenced by that amount of force because it has a much smaller mass. As a result, the two spin around their center of mass, which is actually within the Earth.
Why does the Earth not spin around the moon cont. The earth and moon revolve around their center of mass, so the answer to your inciteful question is...they do. Except it's not midway between them, since the earth is 4 times the diameter of the moon. If a 400 lb. man stood on one end of a plank, a 00 lb. man on the other end, the balancing point would be much closer to the heavy man.
Interesting Question What keeps the moon in orbit? Why doesn’t the sun steal it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXskMZGXBNM
Earthshine! Why do we sometimes see the outline of the darkside of the moon? Earthshine is the reflection of light off the Earth (from the sun) on to the moon.
Lunar Eclipse Occurs when the Earth blocks the light from the sun from getting to the moon.
Solar Eclipse Occurs when the moon blocks the light from the sun from getting to Earth