Activity 84 Assessment Brookville Intermediate School 8 th grade
Day What changes happen in the sky every 24 hours? What changes happen in the sky every 24 hours? –It gets light and dark –We have day and night –The sun rises and sets –The sun looks like it moves from the east to the west
Day What causes theses changes? What causes theses changes? –The Earth spinning on its axis –The rotation of Earth around its axis
Year What is a year? What is a year? – days –12 months –One complete orbit around the Sun –One revolution around the Sun
Year What changes happen in the Sun’s position in the sky over a year? What changes happen in the Sun’s position in the sky over a year? –The sun is higher in the sky during the summer months and is lower in the sky during the winter months
Year What causes these changes? What causes these changes? –The orbit of Earth around the Sun along with the Earth’s tilt –Earth’s tilt combined with its revolution around the Sun
Seasons What changes happen in the season every year? What changes happen in the season every year? –The days get longer and shorter –The temperature changes: summer hotter and winter colder
Seasons What causes these changes? What causes these changes? –The tilt of Earth combined with it’s orbit around the Sun –Earth revolving around the Sun as it is tilted on it’s axis
Moon Phases What changes take place in the visible shape of the Moon from day to day? What changes take place in the visible shape of the Moon from day to day? –Waxing and waning of the moon –The moon moves through a cycle- full moon to new moon and continues the cycle over and over –The phases include full moon, crescent moon, gibbous moon and full moon
Moon Phases How long does it take for these changes to take place? How long does it take for these changes to take place? –About a month –29-30 days
Moon Phases What causes these changes? What causes these changes? –Half of the moon is always lit up but at different points in its orbit around the Earth we can only see part of the half that is lit up.