Lunar Phases And Moon Lore
Some Moon Lore New Moon Waxing Crescent Moon: Middle English cressaunt; Old French croissant; Latin crescens from crescere, to grow, increase First Quarter Moon Waxing Gibbous Moon: ME waxen; OE weaxen, growing Full Moon
Some Moon Lore Waning Gibbous Moon: bulging, protuberant, hump-backed; via ME from Latin gibbus, hump Last Quarter Moon Also called “third quarter”. Last quarter is preferred. Waning Crescent Moon: ME wanen; OE wanian, growing smaller, decreasing New Moon
Traditional Names of Full Moons JanuaryOld Moon, Moon After Yule FebruarySnow Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon, MarchSap Moon, Crow Moon, Lenten Moon AprilGrass Moon, Egg Moon MayPlanting Moon, Milk Moon JuneRose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Flower Moon JulyThunder Moon, Hay Moon AugustGreen Corn Moon, Grain Moon SeptemberFruit Moon, Harvest Moon OctoberHunter’s Moon, Harvest Moon NovemberFrosty Moon, Beaver Moon DecemberMoon Before Yule, Long Night Moon
Surface Features Craters are circular pits caused by impacts Highlands are bright areas on the moon due to different rock types (silicates) Maria are large, smooth, dark areas (basalt) caused by lava flows –Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility) Rays radiate outward from large craters
Far Side of the Moon
Orbit and Motions Synchronous rotation as it orbits earth, same side faces us Libration wobbling effect created by tidal forces Orbital inclination is about 5° with respect to earth’s orbit around sun
Synchronous Rotation
Orbit and Motions Eclipses are rare – not monthly; due to inclination of the moon’s orbit Solar versus lunar eclipse
Apollo 11