How does it moves? Lesson #7 student book page THE MOON
YOUR ASSIGNMENT: In this lab you will use models to explore the Moon’ phases and to see how it results in the phases of the Moon we see on Earth. Outcomes (301-20) also 205-2, Grade 6 science curriculum You will be required to hand in a copy of next months calendar which already has the full moon marked on it. You must draw or describe with the Moon will look like each week during the month. This is worth 5 marks on your grade this term. Make sure your name, homeroom and date is on it.
BACK GROUND ABOUT THE MOON’S PHASES Put your head phones in and click on the link above.
Nzepe4wI&feature=related Nzepe4wI&feature=related RmUdu7I RmUdu7I 2lSVZiY4&feature=related 2lSVZiY4&feature=related XjPio0M&feature=related ( best 80s slow dance song ever !) you’ll hate it XjPio0M&feature=related dbl3AVss&feature=related dbl3AVss&feature=related TO HELP WITH VOCABULARY, TRY A SONG TO REMEMBER PHASES OF THE MOON…
MoonPhase.html MoonPhase.html tives/moon/moon_challenge/moon_ch allenge.html tives/moon/moon_challenge/moon_ch allenge.html Important vocabulary New moon Full moon Waxing cresent Waning cresent First quarter Third quarter Waning gibbous Waxing gibbous TRY THE LINK BELOW TO SEE THE ANIMATION OF THE PHASES OF THE MOON
Put the moon phases in order, decide as a group. It doesn’t matter where you start ( new moon or full moon or in between) as long as the seguence is correct. Glue the pieces in order on the chart paper provided. IN YOUR LAB GROUP TAKE THE HAND OUT…
IF YOU ARE DONE EARLY, CLICK ON THINGS TO DO WHEN DONE IN SCIENCE CLASS. Individual work time. Start filling in you calendar on phases of the moon. Be ure to have your name and class on it. It is due next Science class.