The LAZIO 2020 White Paper Regional Strategic Plan for the strengthening of local labour markets. Speaker: Mariella Zezza Councillor of Training and Labour Policies, Lazio Region
2 The aim of Lazio 2020 is to define an integrated local development policy targeted to social, economic and territorial cohesions. We would like to integrate policies and services for training, job, counselling as a means to support actions to stimulate economy in all sectors.
3 The Lazio 2020 Plan implements the Europe 2020 Strategy. Its pillars are: Long term policies. Open Method of Coordination. A wide public consultation, starting with a Green Paper (Oct. 2010) towards a White Paper (Jan. 2011) The shift from passive policies to policies that encourage and empower. The shift from projects to the mainstreaming of services. Enterprise and workers as active agents of policies and not just recipients of assistance. A flexicurity based system of labour and training services. Lazio2020 doesnt have its own budget but it coordinates the existing funds (ESF, national funds, private funds, …) in a common and clever direction.
4 Lazio 2020 puts forward four mutually reinforcing priorities: Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation. Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy. Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion. Coordinated growth: by establishing shared goals among all stakeholders and public opinion. The intervention is based on local potential and looks to new areas of employment, to changing markets, environmental sustainability and quality of life.
5 The integrated approach Lazio 2020 simultaneously supports: a)Businesses, encouraging adaptability to market needs conducted in accordance with rules and ethics, through a continuous drive to innovate; b)Workers, promoting a continuous upgrading of skills and supporting them in the transitions that often accompany professional growth, c)Territories, grasping their potential and competencies by investing in a development consistent with environmental sustainability and quality of life. The strategic approach is based on the integration of Education, Training, and Labour Services in order to respond to the challenges with effective solutions.
6 OB. 1 – More and better jobs Lazio 2020 Plan is the framework of Economic and employment development to create more and better jobs. It: Supports territorial vocations with integrated planning that encourages business development and good jobs. Values learning direct knowledge, skills and abilities in the company context. … and leads to: actions to promote sustainable economy through longlife training and dissemination of virtuous behaviour and practices in companies. actions for the promotion of company socially responsible behaviours. actions for the emergence of undeclared and illegal labour market;
7 OB. 2 – Human Resources Development. Every citizen must receive services in order to be active in the labour market according to his/her: needs; level of autonomy; possible degree of activation; local social and economic context. Well build a system of integrated policies to promote: the participation and stay of young people in the labour market; the employment and the career of women; the entry in the job market for graduates and PhDs; the preservation of work for employees; We will develop a system action aimed at disseminating expertise, practices and skills on energy saving, environmental protection and preservation, in order to create new virtuous individual behaviours.
8 OB. 3 – Projects for the development of labour and training systems The Lazio Region aim is: To reinforce the centrality of public employment services; to establish a Skill Regional Directory synergistic with the Regional Job Profile Repertory and to connect it to a new catalogue of training courses; to develop tools for Monitoring Labour Market Policies and implement forecasting and early warning systems, with the development of the regional datawarehouse system; to reengineer the Labour and Training Information System (SILF) in order to support long life services.
9 OB. 4 – Governance of policies Lazio 2020 will be conducted according to the Open Method of Coordination. The main steps are: To agree on priorities for actions in the territory; To identify the best tools and operational procedures for action implementation; To enhance the integration and complementarity of resources (human, economic, structural), sharing the results and developing economies of scale; To enable an effective and timely monitoring and evaluation process of interventions; To promote a territorial governance to facilitate the exchange of good practices and the development of new networks.
10 A mutual learning process. We desire to cooperate with other Italian and European regions on similar issues, sectors, projects, in order to exchange best practices, develop partnerships, share common objectives and goals. Thank you for you kind attention.