Friday October 26, 2012 (Quiz 9; Complete Moon Features Activity)
The Launch Pad Friday, 10/26/12 In this photo, the Moon is in the _______ quarter and is therefore referred to as a ______________________ Moon. first waxing crescent
Announcements Happy Fall
Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative? Date IssuedDate Due Date Into GradeSpeed Final Day Quiz 6S110/5 10/26 Quiz 7S210/12 10/26 WS – Dwarf Planets F310/1810/2210/24 Quiz 8S310/19 11/2 WS – Trans- Neptunian Regions of the Solar System F410/2210/26 WS – Our Solar System F510/2310/2510/26 Activity – Moon Features F610/2510/26
Recent Events in Science Storm on Saturn ry/image_feature_2381.html Read All About It! NASA's Cassini spacecraft has tracked the aftermath of a rare massive storm on Saturn. Data reveal record-setting disturbances in the planet's upper atmosphere long after the visible signs of the storm abated, in addition to an indication the storm was more forceful than scientists previously thought. These red, orange and green clouds (false color) in Saturn's northern hemisphere indicate the tail end of the massive storm. Even after visible signs of the storm started to fade, infrared measurements continued to reveal powerful effects at work in Saturn's stratosphere.
Quiz 9 Please turn in the following two worksheets before taking your Quiz: Trans-Neptunian Regions of the Solar System Our Solar System After completing your Quiz, please finish your Moon Features activity.