Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano OPEN DAYS European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels, 6 October 2010 Territorial Cohesion – What will it.


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano OPEN DAYS European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels, 6 October 2010 Territorial Cohesion – What will it mean in the regions (Session 06UNIV12) Territorial cohesion and Territorial Impact Assessment Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano Territorial cohesion and Territorial Impact Assessment Since the ESDP – European Spatial Developmemnt Perspective (1999), the need for a sound methodology for Territorialm Impact Assessment (TIA) of European policies was felt as crucial. A TIA methodology has necessarily to link up with a sound theoretical and operational definition of Territorial Cohesion (TC): Territorial impact = impact on the territorial cohesion principle Unfortunately the concept of TC remains somehow vague. The best early official definition: TC translates the goal of sustainable and balanced development assigned to the Union into territorial terms (Rotterdam Declaration, Dutch Presidency, 2004) 2008 october: Green paper on TC: no clarification; a debate is opened. 2009: Sixth Progress Report on economic and social cohesion: TC= Harmonious and sustainable development of all territories by building on their characteristics and resources

Is territorial cohesion a sound principle and goal? For us: Territorial cohesion may be seen as the territorial dimension of sustainability (beyond the technological, the behavioural and the diplomatic dimensions) The 3 main components of territorial cohesion: * Territorial Efficiency: resource-efficiency with respect to energy, land and natural resources; competitiveness and attractiveness of the local territory; internal and external accessibility * Territorial Quality: the quality of the living and working environment; comparable living standards across territories; similar access to services of general interest and to knowledge * Territorial Identity: presence of social capital; landscape and cultural heritage; capability of developing shared visions of the future; creativity; productive vocations and competitive advantage of each territory Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano

The three sub-dimensions can be associated to indicators (of performance and policy impact) Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano

Territorial Impact Assessment of Policies Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano T erritorial E fficiency QU ality I dentity the TEQUILA Model L ayered A ssessment Model (Camagni, 2006) The model was developed for the ESPON 2006 and 2013 Programme. It was applied to the EU Transport and Agricultural Policies (TIPTAP Project : )

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano The TEQUILA Model 1. TEQUILA is a Multicriteria Model The 3 components of the T.C. concept and their sub-components become the criteria in the Assessment Model 2. The weights of the 3 criteria and sub-criteria are flexible: defined by a panel of experts, by an assembly of policy makers….. 3. The general impact of EU policies on each criterion is defined using ad hoc studies, models (if available) and statistical complex indicators 4. Single-dimension Impacts and Summative Impacts are provided. 5. In case of too high impacts on some criterion, possibility of compensation among impacts is excluded: the FLAG model

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano Impact of transport policies

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano Impact on Economic growth – Baseline Scenario A generalized positive impact, though limited, is found throughout Europe, and in Eastern Countries in particular, thanks to new infrastructure provision and to processes of growth diffusion.

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano Summative impacts in three scenarios (policy makers priorities) a. Baselineb. Infrastructurec. Pricing

Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano Impact on emissions / the FLAG model

Thanks! MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Roberto Camagni BEST- Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci MILANO tel: secr. fax: Prof. Roberto Camagni – Politecnico di Milano