2 nd Grade Open House Welcome families!
Welcome to 2 nd Grade! Thank you for coming tonight! Please update contact info at the side table. Please write in student transportation (easel).
Meet the Team Your child’s teachers: Ms. Loretta (Islamic Studies) Ms. Nehal~ Quran and Arabic Ms. Jeehan~ Quran and Arabic Coach Odin~ Physical Education Ms. Zahra~ Homeroom
2 nd Grade Academic and Social Goals To become life-long learners To give your child the academic skills needed to progress to 3rd grade To develop positive social-emotional skills and an increased sense of responsibility
Dress Code Students are to come dressed in the appropriate uniform. Boys: Blue Polo Shirt, Khakis Girls: Blue Polo dress, Long-Sleeve V-Neck Tee under the dress (optional), Khaki pants, Hijab for prayer Ordering information:
Classroom Community Each classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Rule #1 Follow directions quickly. Rule #2 Raise your hand for permission to speak. Rule #3 Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Rule #4 Make Smart Choices Rule #5 Be Kind to Everyone
Classroom Community- Discipline Policy Each classroom is a community. In our community, we have consequences if we break the rules. 1- Verbal Warning 2- Free time (5 min, 10 min) 3-LRD, logged into Gradelink 4- Parent/Teacher Conference 5- Office Referral
Classroom Community We care about each other and our collective education. We practice good manners and speech with one another. Community Talks: Modeling for students how to express feelings, disagreements and other interpersonal issues so that the other person feels respected. We have a clean and organized learning space that we all contribute to.
Schedule (Monday-Thursday) 8:00 Morning Assembly (in the masjid) 8:15 Grammar 8:30 Phonics 8:50 Math 9:30 Snack time 9:45 ISAQ 11:10 Writing 11:30 Lunch and Recess 12:15 ELA 1:05 P.E./Science/Social Studies 1:45 Science/Social Studies/Elective 2:10 Pack Up and Closing Circle 2:25 Transition to Masjid –PRAYER 2:50 Dismissal
Grade Level Subjects The academic subjects we cover during second grade are: ELA: Grammar, Writing Reading: Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension Math Science Social Studies
Reading All curriculum instruction is guided by the Texas TEKS standards. Reading Street: ELA and Reading topics Wordly Wise: Vocabulary development Please encourage your child to read each night to increase fluency (=accuracy + rate) and to fill out 3 sections of the Reading Log (Comprehension)
Reading Homework Reading Homework will consist of the Reading Log and a Wordly Wise assignment. Students will need to respond to the selection and complete short written responses as well as vocabulary building activities. Homework is distributed on Mondays and due back the following Monday. Reading and Spelling Tests- selected Fridays Individual student/teacher conferences to assess reading
ELA 8:15-8:30 Morning Work: Daily Grammar, Proofreading and Handwriting Lessons During the school year, your child will create various types of writing including: Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive, Letter Writing, Poetry, Journaling, and Creative Stories. Students will have opportunities to participate in a Writer’s Workshop, modeled after the work of Lucy Caulkins.
Social Studies Units of Study include: Geography, Civics, Economics, History (Texas and US), World History Interactive notebooks Reader’s Theatre Social Studies Tests following a Unit of study
Math All curriculum instruction is guided by Texas TEKS standards. (Envision Math, 2011) Problem of the Day Challenging for 2 nd Graders: Math Language and Vocabulary, Multi-step problems, Handwriting Math Topics: Addition, Subtraction, Money, Place Value, Multiplication, Geometry, Measurement, Graphs and Probability
Daily 5 Students: Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work on Writing Word Work Teacher: Teach Mini ELA Lessons Re-teach D5 strategies as needed Meet with students (Individual and Small Group) Assess students
Science Science as Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Science and the Environment Mini-Labs and Interactive Workbooks Experiential Learning
Homework Policies Please make sure your student has a HW packet in their green folder every Monday (or first day of the week.) Parents or students should contact me by e- mail if they do not have a HW packet due to absence or loss. 10% deduction applied for late work or if I must make another packet for the student. Please note that work will not be accepted past 1 week.
A few reminders Parental visits to the classroom are not allowed, but I will happily meet with you during my Office Hours on Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30*. is a great way to communicate with me as well. Absences, Early Releases and Tardies Electronics and toys are not allowed. Students are responsible for bringing the Green Folder to and from home everyday.
Parent’s Checklist for Success Check the Green Folder nightly Check out these Web- Sites – www. Gradelink.com (Class web page) (Curriculum page) z.com/main/Login (RAZ kids) z.com/main/Login Communicate with me in the Parent Comments section of the HW log. Read all classroom and school s. Students should read nightly* Contact us with any questions or concerns. *RAZ Kids coming soon!
Communication School Phone: (512) Office Hours: Wednesdays from 2:35:3:20. Please or call one day ahead to make an appointment.
Let’s Have a Great Year!