Forum for Reservoir Characterisation, Reservoir Engineering and Exploration Technology Cooperation Officially opened by Jens Stoltenberg 17. November Phase V FORCE has 32 members; 30 oil companies, NPD and NRC (observer). Chairman of the Board: Robert Nygård, StatoilHydro, Project leader: Arild Haugen, NPD Co-operation Implementation Users’s needs Technology
Main Objectives Development and demonstration of tools and methods which will increase petroleum resources from the NCS Increased subsurface understanding. Be an active market place Stimulate learning Define technology gaps. Establish networks. Experience transfer. Facilitate projects.
Network FORCE FORUM Research Institutes Service Industry Authorities Universitie s Public
Future Petroleum Research Directions Improve contact and create networks between the oil companies and the universities and research institutions in order to stimulate projects and activities Define long-term strategy for recruitment needs and petroleum research in Norway Establish Norway as one of the leaders within petroleum industry research
Technology Target Area: Exploration and Reservoir Characterisation 2004 – 2005 Lead Party: FORCE 2005 : Comprehensive Technology Strategy plan by FORCE work-group 2005 – 2008: Lead Party NPD using FORCE for implementation
OG21 Technology Target Area Exploration and Reservoir Characterization Technology Strategy Plan Authors: Arild Haugen (NPD/FORCE) John R Berry (BP) Per Arne Bjørkum (Statoil) Robert J Hofer (ConocoPhillips) Robert P Johannessen (Total) Kristian Kolbjørnsen (Lundin Norway AS) Arnd Wilhelms (Norsk Hydro) Final version: 17/06/2005
1. Executive Summary 1.1 Background: Status and gaps: Conclusions: Introduction 2.1 Background Inventory mapping 3.1 Present Status Geophysics Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Structural Geology Basin Analysis: Source rocks, generation and migration Rock Physics Geomechanics Reservoir Modelling and Simulation Ongoing initiatives Gap analysis 4.1 Geophysics Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Structural Geology Basin analysis: Source rocks, generation and migration Rock Physics Geomechanics Reservoir Modelling and Simulation Recommendations 5.1 Recommended activities and focus areas Recommended projects Appendix: Technology Gaps – Tables Geophysics - Seismic Data Acquisition Gaps Geophysics - Seismic Processing and Modelling Gaps Geophysics - Seismic Interpretation Gaps Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Gaps Structural Geology Gaps Rock Physics Gaps Geomechanics Gaps Reservoir Modelling and Simulation Gaps
Sub basalt exploration Improved imaging below basalts. Drilling of a stratigraphic well in the outer Norwegian margin. Ocean Bottom Seismic Improved processing and imaging Improved acquisition technology cost efficiency A detailed technology strategy report has been developed by FORCE ( Lithology and fluid prediction Where are the sands in the Norwegian Sea? Cooperation Push cooperation as far as possible in the present competitive environment. Integration of disciplines ranging from seismic and rock physics to sequence stratigraphy and basin modelling to obtain better geomodels and reduce uncertainties. Higher education Develop and implement a strategy for higher education and new creative talent. Arctic Exploration methods in arctic areas. Prospects over oceanic crust. New play models. ElectroMagnetic methods Development of new modelling tools. Characterization of non-HC anomalies. TTA 2: Exploration and Reservoir Characterization