Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 12 November 2009 FILLING IN PROPOSAL PART B
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 1.1. Concept and objectives Description of the main ideas governing the proposal (ex. Valorise the job researcher, enhance researchers integration in social fabric, reinforce the links between research institutions and citizens…) Description of the events concept : integration in longer-lasting event, science fair, mix between researchers-linked and other fields activities, … Description of the specific objectives (main objective remaining to bring researchers closer to the public at large in order to enhance researchers public recognition) 2
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 1.2. Quality and effectiveness of the support mechanisms and associated work plan Overall description of the activities planned: locations, venues, links amongst them, type of activities planned, overall schedule… Underline the internal consistency amongst the activities, organised around the compulsory 4 Work Packages (Awareness campaign/Activities during the night/Impact assessment/Management) Necessary elements: Type of activities planned Schedule (opening/closing) Venues or at least type of venue envisaged Communication strategy (target, means, messages) Contingency plan (bad weather, insufficient mobilisation of audience/researchers/media…) « Summary effort table »: necessary human resources 3
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 4 Detailed Work Package description For each of the 4 WPs Articulated in 3 parts: specific objective, description of work, deliverables Please stick to the guide for applicants: specific objective and deliverables are already filled in. Focus on a clear description of the work linked to each WP Deliverables One deliverable per Work Package, predefined in the guide for applicants Suggestion: due to the short duration, delivery date could systematically be fixed at the last month of the project.
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency Summary of staff effort Per participant and per Work Package Expressed in persons/month: 2 people each during 2 weeks= 1 person/month; 1 person during one week 0.25 person/month Keep realistic when filling in the table, experts always pay a special attention to it and its consistency with the financial figures Take into account the various categories of personnel involved (specify if relevant) and mention their monthly salary if necessary to justify the financial figures. 5
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 2.1. Management structures and procedures Keep management architecture simple and flexible: project is short and evolving When several locations, avoid too centralised a decision- making process 2.2. Individual participants Provide a short pedigree of each participant, focusing on its strengths and experience linked to their tasks within the project Avoid too long descriptions as well as too short ones (dont think that all experts necessarily know about the bodies involved in your project) 6
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 2.3. Consortium as a whole Underline potential synergies and ability of the partners in consortium to achieve the objectives Avoid too long descriptions Limit the consortium to the indispensable partners Subcontracting Identify the tasks that would have to be subcontracted and estimate the costs Keep in mind that some minor tasks not planned for subcontracting in the proposal/DoW, may however be subcontracted in the course of the implementation Other countries Not relevant 7
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 2.4. Resources to be committed Identify the various potential funding sources (own resources, public grants, sponsors, setting at disposal of resources by third parties, EU contribution requested… Keep realistic and ensure consistency between financial and human resources (table « summary staff effort ») Avoid too large and too small a budget (too large might be questioned and too small could lead to trouble at a later stage) 8
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 3.1. Potential impact Both qualitative and quantitative: Contribution to the objective Figures: visitors, people made aware Identify and describe the parameters to be used for the impact assessment Try to set realistic objectives 3.2. Dissemination and/or exploitation of results and IPR This chapter will usually not be applicable 9
Researchers nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency Question? Need for explanation? Doubts? Thanks for your attention 10