Vello A. Kuuskraa President Advanced Resources International, Inc. 1 Wrap Up
SECARB Project Wrap-up 2 Accomplishments and Key Findings Lessons Learned Future Plans
Early Test Accomplishments & Key Findings Accomplishments to Date – Monitored CO 2 injection since 2008 – Injection through 23 wells, cumulative volume 3.4 million tonnes – Completed repeat geophysics, including cross well seismic, VSP, RST, and repeat surface 3-D – Recognized by Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) in 2010 for research contributions – Cranfield selected as base case for SIM-Seq inter- partnership model development test – Early Team providing knowledge sharing to Anthropogenic Test and other U.S./International CCS projects Key Findings – CO 2 retained in-zone, documenting no leakage to air and no impact on water. 3 – CO 2 saturation correctly predicted by flow modeling – Pressure (flow plus deformation) correctly predicted by modeling – Certification Framework confirms that well performance is the highest risk uncertainty
Anthropogenic Test Accomplishments & Key Findings Accomplishments to date – Systems planning and construction is underway for a fully integrated “commercial prototype” CO 2 capture, transportation, storage and monitoring field test. – Drilling of characterization well D9-8 #2 completed in January – A five deep-well plus three shallow-well monitoring plan developed with assistance from Early Test. – An initial risk registry has been developed utilizing international expertise from Det Norske Veritas (DNV). – Participation in US-Canada and European CCS Demonstration Project Network knowledge sharing events. 4 Key Findings – Planning and operating an integrated CO 2 capture, transportation, storage and monitoring field test requires extensive negotiations and flexibility in plans and schedules. – Detailed reservoir characterization and modeling is essential for designing and gaining approval for a safe, secure CO 2 storage site in close proximity to the CO 2 source.
SECARB Lessons Learned Uncertainty about issues of long term liability made it difficult to secure storage sites for the SECARB field tests. Investing significant time and effort in problem identification and risk avoidance was crucial for selecting a safe, secure CO 2 storage site. Investing in detailed site and reservoir characterization, particularly in a fluvial, complex formation, is essential. A successful MVA program will test many tools and models but must, ultimately, lead to the selection of cost effective and robust systems for commercial deployment. You will never have enough information! 5
SECARB Future Plans Early Test Extend the monitoring time frame at Cranfield – the capital investment has been made and additional data collection is cost effective. Mine existing Cranfield data and share with others to increase predictive capabilities (e.g., SIM-Seq inter-partnership model development program). 6
SECARB Future Plans Anthropogenic Test Complete storage site development and transportation infrastructure by August, Begin CO 2 injection by September 30, Update initial risk registry with capture, transportation, injection and monitoring operations reviews. SECARB Team Allocate additional resources to support knowledge sharing activities. 7
8 Supplemental Information
SECARB Partnership: Specific Goals and Objectives Early Test – Transfer technical experience to future operators regionally, nationally, and internationally. – Predict pressure response in the far-field (single brine phase) to injection rate. – Constrain the relationship between heterogeneous flow-units and buoyant two- phase flow. – Explore the performance of novel tool arrays. Anthropogenic Test – Evaluate impacts of power plant CO 2 capture on the transportation, injection and long-term geologic storage operations. – Evaluate injection and storage conditions in a regionally extensive saline reservoir to help establish regional CO 2 injectivity and storage capacity. – Determine how the saline reservoir’s internal architecture can be used to optimize storage and to minimize the areal extent of the plume. – Apply “lessons learned” at the SECARB Phase III Early Test and commercially available, low-risk “off-the-shelf” oilfield technologies for longer-term CO 2 storage and plume tracking. – evaluate the effects of subsurface migration and trapping of anthropogenic CO 2 on the geochemistry of saline reservoirs. 9
Goal 1 - Adequate Injectivity and Capacity Early Test Capacity and injectivity well known at project start. Advance under standing of efficiency of pore-volume occupancy (E factor) Measure saturation during multiphase plume evolution (completed) Increase predictive capabilities (to be done thru modeling) Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem CO 2 injectivity and storage capacity not known at potential CO 2 storage project site. Conducted detailed reservoir characterization and log porosity versus permeability cross-plots from sidewall cores to establish key values for CO 2 injectivity and storage. 10
Goal 2 - Storage Permanence Early Test Permanence of geologic system well understood prior to test. Assess methods for documenting well performance Measure changes above the injection zone along well, above zone monitoring interval (AZMI), and at surface (P site) over long times (underway) Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem Permanence of CO 2 storage not established for the potential CO 2 site at start of project. Selected site with 4-way closure, multiple confining units and secondary storage compartments; evaluated seismic to establish lack of major faults or features. 11
Goal 3 - Areal Extent of Plume and Potential Leakage Pathways Early Test Plume confined by 4- way closure. Uncertainty – amount of radial flow (down dip/out of pattern) Measure down dip extent of plume via VSP and 4-D (completed) Increase predictive capabilities (to be done thru modeling) Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem Goal was to limit the areal extent of the CO 2 plume and avoid potential for CO 2 leakage. Used reservoir architecture and injection design to limit areal extent of CO 2 plume. Conducted testing of older wells to assure well integrity at storage site. 12
Goal 4 -Risk Assessment Early Test Saline storage site is located in EOR field with operator owning CO 2. Use Early Test to advance risk assessment techniques and share information. Completed certification framework assessment of leakage risk. Confirmed well performance as highest uncertainty and focus of monitoring research Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem Saline storage site is located in EOR field with operator owning CO 2. Conduct risk reviews and develop a risk registry for a fully integrated CCS field test. Participated in DNV’s risk registry for CO 2 leakage and other risks. Will install above and in zone pressure sensors to monitor CO 2 plume and storage security. 13
Goal 5 -Goal 5 - Develop Best Practices Early Test Contribute technical expertise and lessons learned for development of Best Practices Manuals Participated in developing BPMs for MVA, characterization, risk and reservoir modeling Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem Contribute technical expertise and lessons learned for development of Best Practices Manuals Participated in developing BPMs for well drilling and reservoir modeling. 14
Goal 6 - Public Outreach and Education Early Test On-site outreach handled by Landmen. SSEB and Early Team focus on O&E in public and technical arenas. Hosted site visits, responses to local and trade media, Fact Sheets, website postings of project information. Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem On-site outreach handled by Landmen. SSEB and Anthro Team focus on O&E in public and technical arenas. Hosted site visits, responses to local and trade media, Fact Sheets, website postings of project information. 15
Goal 7 - Improvement of Permitting Requirements Early Test Permits obtained by site operator. Project team focus is on development of regulatory framework for GHG. Provided experience with monitoring instruments and well performance to decision makers Anthropogenic Test Success criteria Site-specific statement of problem Permits obtained by site operator. Project team focus is on development of regulatory framework for GHG. Provided assistance to operator in preparing the UIC and state well permits. Shared information on UIC permit preparation with other RCSPs. 16
Project Overview: Scope of Work Task 1.0: Continued Characterization of Regional Sequestration Opportunities – Assessment of regionally significant formations (saline, coal, shale); update of CO 2 sources; regional/national Atlas updates; participation in RCSP capacity work group. Task 2.0: Public Outreach and Education – Local (field test), regional, national, and international public outreach and education. Task 3.0: Site Permitting – Identification and submittal of required site permitting for both Phase III sites (EQs, EAs, UIC permits, drilling permits). Task 4.0: Site Characterization and Modeling – Detailed site characterization (existing data and new data collection) and modeling activities for both Phase III sites. Task 5.0: Well Drilling and Completion – Design and completion of observation and injection wells for both Phase III sites. 17
Project Overview: Scope of Work Task 6.0: Infrastructure Development – Access to and operational safety for both Phase III sites. Includes CO 2 pipeline for Anthropogenic Test. Task 7.0: CO 2 Procurement – Plan to procure CO 2 for both sites to meet project objectives. Task 8.0: Transportation and Injection Operations – Development and implementation of transportation and injection operations plans for both sites. Task 9.0: Operational Monitoring and Modeling – Early Test surface and subsurface monitoring, data collection, and modeling; Anthropogenic Test modeling and pipeline, surface, near- surface, and in-situ monitoring. Task 10.0: Site Closure – Early Test discontinuation plan; Anthropogenic Test site closure activities, including integrity testing. Task 11.0: Post-Injection Monitoring and Modeling – Monitoring and model updates for both sites; RCSP MVA Work Group participation. 18
Project Overview: Scope of Work Task 12.0: Project Assessment – Site-specific, regional and Partnership-wide findings. Task 13.0: Project Management – Local project management for field sites and overall project management and oversight. Task 14.0: Does Not Exist – A pipeline study was proposed for Phase III but was later added to the Phase II program instead. Task 15.0, which was proposed at the same time, was added to the Phase III program. The task numbers were not changed, so there is no Task 14.0 in the Phase III SOW. Task 15.0: Preliminary Evaluation of Offshore Transport and Storage of CO 2 – Resource mapping offshore Gulf of Mexico (state and federal waters); infrastructure inventory; legal and regulatory analysis; outreach and education regarding findings. 19