Outline: Comparison between PDH and SDH. STM-N frame structure. Multiplexing of of 140Mb/s, 34Mb/s and 2Mb/s signals into STM-N frame. Common NE of SDH network. SDH network structure and network protection mechanism. Management, monitoring and alarms.
Comparison between PDH and SDH SDHPDHPoint of comparison universal standard No universal standard Electrical & Optical Interface simplecomplexmultiplexing method High administration Poor administration Operation, administration & Maintenance compatible with other signals (ATM, FDDI &DQDB) Incompatible with other signals (ATM, FDDI &DQDB) Compatibility High B.WSave B.WBandwidth High coastLow coastCoast
Electrical interface PDH
SDH Electrical interface
Multiplexing Method